Retail Vantiv Lowell Profile

Parent:    Retail Profile
Added On:  02/13/12 
Module:  UniCharge 
Type:  Entity  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  RetailVantivLowellProfile 
Encapsulates Vantiv Lowell specific settings required for real-time transaction processing. Adds Vantiv Lowell specific fields to the base fields of Billing Profile and Retail Profile.
Added On:  03/11/13
Java Field:  isTestMode
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  tinyint(1)
Java Type:  Boolean
Attributes: Default:false
Indicates that this transaction should be processed in test mode, when it is handled by the processor.
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  merchantId
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(255)
Java Type:  String
The merchantId element is used when you request an Account Update file. This value is a unique string used to identify the merchant within the Litle system.
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  password
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(255)
Java Type:  String
The password element is a required child of the authentication element. It is used in combination with the user element to authenticate that the message is from a valid source.
Added On:  02/13/12
SQL Column:  USER
Java Field:  user
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(255)
Java Type:  String
The user element is a required child of the authentication element. It is a unique identifier of the user/merchant used to authenticate that the message is from a valid source.