Account Activity Classifier

Added On:  03/17/12 
SQL Table:   
Module:  UniBill 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  AccountActivityClassifier 
Enumerates types of financial transactions that can occur on a customer's account.

Available Values:

RI - Invoice
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents an invoice (recording of customer's debt to a merchant).
RC - Credit
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a transaction opposite to an invoice (reduction of customer's debt to a merchant).
RR - Reversal
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents full reversal of an existing invoice.
RF - Service Fee
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents generic fee, applied to the customer's account.
RL - LateFee
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents fee, applied because of a late payment.
RA - AccessFee
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents fee, applied to the customer's account because access to restricted digital assets (e.g. paperless copies of contracts) was granted.
AP - Payment
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a real-time payment, collected on the customer's account.
AV - Void
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents void of an existing payment.
AR - Refund
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents partial or full reversal of a previous payment.
AC - Claim
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a batch payment, collected on the customer's account. It is conceptually similar to real-time payment, but has a likelihood of subsequent decline within three-day period (on average) after its effective date (due to batch processing and reprocessing). See Transaction Reprocessing for additional information.
AD - Decline
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a decline of payment, either real-time or batch.
AG - Chargeback
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a credit card chargeback of a previously processed payment or claim.
AA - Adjustment
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents automatic write off of the existing debt due to the age of this debt.
AX - CancelRefund
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a reversal of a previously posted refund.
RX - CancelCredit
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a reversal of a previously posted credit.
AS - ChargebackReversal
Added On:  03/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents a reversal of a previously posted chargeback.
RO - Collections Fee
Added On:  10/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents fee, applied to an account when it is sent to the 3rd party collections for the first time.
RN - Reinstatement
Added On:  10/17/12
Status:  Active
Represents fee, applied to an account, when it is reinstated from 3rd party collections back to regular billing.