UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Encryption/Decryption  
Keystore   Debug   Unibroker   System  

Available Properties for unibroker.properties:

Property Definitions for unibroker.properties:

Added On:  12/05/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Unibroker
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Indicates whether service users are allowed to authenticate (submit API requests) through UniBroker using a one-time session password.
Added On:  10/03/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Unibroker
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Controls whether GET method is allowed within UniBroker.

Possible values:
true - GET method allowed false - only POST method is allowed.
When the property is set to false or not present in the system settings, the S36 exception will return as a response to the GET request.
Added On:  09/27/17
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Unibroker
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 240 )
Time period during which sensitive card and account data associated with a transaction is stored in UniBroker cache. The minimum value is 240 seconds.