View Batch

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to information about the selected batch and related sub-batches.

View Batch

Includes additional options for the selected batch.
Allows to open the popup of all totals by account type for the selected batch.
Exports information from transactions or account updates.
Export Transactions
Exports information from transactions to the given form.
Export Account Updates
Exports information from account updates to the given form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes information about the selected batch.
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Submission.Merchant Account Code
Create Date
Date when the record was created
References: Submission.Create Date
Effective Date
Date on which a transaction is recorded.

Transactions with effective date (trasaction date) in the past as well as in the future can be processed. Any transactions with dates in the past are processed with the effective date of today, while any future dated transactions are processed on the specified effective date in the future. The only limitation is that a single file should not mix transactions with past, current and future effective dates. In other words, all transactions in the file must be either in the past, effective today or effective in the future.
References: Batch.Effective Date
Any additional information for the merchant.
References: Batch.Description
Indicates the type of batch: whether it's batch or realtime.


Includes information about total count and total amount of transactions within the selected batch.
Error Count
Total error count of the selected batch transaction.
References: Submission.Error Count
Transaction Count
Total count of the batch transaction.
References: Batch.Total Count
Transaction Amount
Total amount paid for the item (including tax and discount).
References: Batch.Total Amount

Direct Debit

Includes total transaction count for direct debit transactions.
Information about direct debit sale transactions.
Total count of the ACH sale transaction.
References: Submission.ACH Sale Count
Total amount of the ACH sale transaction.
References: Submission.ACH Sale Amount
Information about direct debit credit transactions.
Total count of the ACH credit transaction.
References: Submission.ACH Credit Count
Total amount of the ACH credit transaction.
References: Submission.ACH Credit Amount

Bank Card

Includes total transaction count for Bank Card transactions.
Information about Bank Card sale transactions.
Total count of the bank card sale transaction.
References: Submission.Bank Card Sale Count
Total amount of the bank card sale transaction.
References: Submission.Bank Card Sale Amount
Information about Bank Card credit transactions.
Total count of the ACH credit transaction.
References: Submission.Bank Card Credit Count
Total amount of the ACH credit transaction.
References: Submission.Bank Card Credit Amount

Sub-batch List

Includes the list of sub-batches that are the part of the selected batch.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Sub Batch.Id
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Submission.Merchant Account Code
Reference to the base object representing Provider specific merchant account. Encapsulates all information necessary to identify a merchant in Provider's system.
Billing Profile may also contain configuration values defining system's behavior for this specific configuration.
References: Submission.Processing Profile FK
Attempt Date
The date of the first attempted sub-batch operation.
References: Sub Batch.Attempt Date
Retry Count
The number of the sub-batch operation reccurence times.
References: Sub Batch.Retry Count
Indicates current status of the sub-batch operation.
References: Sub Batch.Status
Review Status
Current status of sub-batch review.
Represents the type of sub-batch operation to be performed after the review.
References: Sub Batch.Review CL
View Sub-batch
Allows to view sub-batch that is the part of the selected batch. Opens Form: View Sub-batch
Allows to approve sub-batch that is the part of the selected batch.
Allows to cancel sub-batch that is the part of the selected batch.
Allows to cancel the selected sub-batch transaction.
Cancel without response
Allows to cancel the selected sub-batch transaction without its further inclusion to the batch transaction response file.
Allows to perform several actions with the selected sub-batch transaction.
Rerun Processing Service
Allows to rerun processing service for the selected sub-batch transaction.
Reprocess Sub-Batch
Allows to send the selected sub-batch transactions for the reprocessing.
Issue Credits (Reverse Sub-Batch)
Allows to issue credits for the selected sub-batch transaction.
Generate Returns/Declines
Allows to generate returns or declines for the selected sub-batch transaction.
Allows to see totals of the selected file.