Account Store UML

Added On:  02/13/12 
Module:  UniCharge 
Type:  Entity  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  AccountStore 
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  accountAccessory
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(60)
Java Type:  String
expDate or routing number.
For ACH transactions, processing in the US, two fields are used: routing number and account number. For ACH (EFT) transactions, processing in Canada, three fields are required: three-digit institution number, five-digit branch number, and account number. For processing purposes of Canadian ACH, the institution number and branch number are combined in a single routing number value using the rules below.

The Canadian routing number is comprised of three parts: a leading zero (0), three-digit institution number (YYY) and five-digit branch number (XXXXX), which go respectively all together with no dashes: 0YYYXXXX. Please, note that the institution number (YYY) should never be all zeros (000).
The XXXXX-YYY format with a dash between the branch number and the institution number is only valid for paper-type transactions, such as checks. Thus, if a check reads XXXXX-YYY, the corresponding EFT code will be 0YYYXXXXX.
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  accountAccessoryEncoded
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(32)
Java Type:  String
Attributes: Encoded
When transaction is associated with a credit card, the field contains encoded card's expiration date. When transaction is associated with a bank account, the field contains encoded account's routing number.
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  accountNumber
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(60)
Java Type:  String
When Tokenization is not available and encryption is allowed on the server, the field contains encrypted credit card number or bank account number.
Note: if encryption is not allowed on the server and tokenization is not properly configured, transactions will fail and will not be either processed or persisted.
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  accountNumberEncoded
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(32)
Java Type:  String
Attributes: Encoded
The encoded identifier of the merchant within the system of the company serving as the business reference. Normally, a unique value, that is used to locate the information about the merchant within the system of the business reference.
Added On:  02/13/12
SQL Column:  ID
Java Field:  id
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  bigint(20)
Java Type:  Long
Identifier / Primary Key
Attributes: Unique, Required, CreateOnly, ReadOnly
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
Added On:  02/13/12
Java Field:  tokenCode
Status:  Active
SQL Type:  varchar(35)
Java Type:  String
Token value replacing accountNumber.