Legal Status Classifier

Added On:  06/02/12 
SQL Table:   
Module:  UniRun 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  LegalStatusClassifier 
Enumerates possible values for a person's legal status within a country

Available Values:

CT - Citizen
Added On:  06/02/12
Status:  Active
The person is a citizen of the country
NC - Non-Citizen
Added On:  06/02/12
Status:  Active
The person is a non-citizen of the country
PR - Permanent Resident
Added On:  06/02/12
Status:  Active
The person has a status of the permanent resident in the country
AA - Authorized Alien
Added On:  06/02/12
Status:  Active
The person is a legal (authorized) alien in the country