Entry Mode Policy Classifier

Added On:  06/09/15 
Module:  UniCharge 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  EntryModePolicyClassifier 
Enumerates possible values of entry modes.

Available Values:

MR - Manual
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that the card number can be entered manually.
MF - Manual Fallback
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that the Manual Fallback is allowed for EMV.
MC - Manual Custom
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that API functions can be used to process loyalty cards in manual mode.
SR - Swipe
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that the card can be swiped.
SF - Swipe Fallback
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that Swiped Fallback is allowed for EMV.
SC - Swipe Custom
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that API functions can be used to process loyalty cards in swipe mode.
PR - Proximity
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that contactless operations are allowed for cards without chip.
IR - EMV Contact
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that contact EMV is allowed.
CR - EMV Contactless
Added On:  06/09/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that contactless EMV is allowed.
PC - Proximity Custom
Added On:  06/20/15
Status:  Active
Indicates additional functions, that allows to read the card information through API.