Void Reason Code Classifier

Added On:  07/10/15 
Module:  UniCharge 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  VoidReasonCodeClassifier 
Enumerates possible values of void reason codes.

Available Values:

CI - Customer Initiated
Added On:  07/10/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that transaction is voided by the customer.
TR - Timeout Reversal
Added On:  07/10/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that transaction has not been completed (request timed out).
SM - System Malfunction
Added On:  07/10/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that transaction has not been completed (POS device malfunctioned).
SF - Suspected Fraud
Added On:  07/10/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that void transaction was processed because the card is suspected fraud.
PR - Premature Card Removal
Added On:  07/10/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that premature chip card removal was made (online request is sent before response was received). For chip cards only.
CD - Chip Decline
Added On:  07/10/15
Status:  Active
Indicates that void transaction was processed due to the fact that after receiving confirmation from the provider, the chip canceled the transaction. For chip cards only.
MF - Mac Failure
Added On:  05/23/18
Status:  Active