Payment Plan Status

Added On:  09/21/16 
SQL Table:   
Module:  UniBill 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  PaymentPlanStatus 
Enumeration of possible statuses of the payment plan.

Available Values:

D - Deferred
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that no invoice will be generated in the upcoming billing associated with a payment plan.
C - Current
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that the payment plan is active.
F - Freeze
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that the payment plan is terminated.
N - Cancelled
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that the payment plan is cancelled.
E - Expired
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that all payments associated with a payment plan are made; available only for a fixed payment plan.
U - Unbilled
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that no billing occurred since the payment plan was created.
S - Suspended
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that the payment plan is set on hold by the system. The status is currently deprecated.
P - Paused
Added On:  09/21/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that the payment plan is set on hold by a customer via API.