Parameter Classifier

Added On:  09/23/16 
SQL Table:   
Module:  UniCharge 
Type:  Classifier  Status:  Active 
Java Class:  ParameterClassifier 
Represents enumeration of parameters that are applied for sanitization.

Available Values:

AD - Auto Detect
Added On:  09/23/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that data for sanitization is identified automatically by the system.
AN - Account Number
Added On:  09/23/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that data for sanitization is a bank account number.
CD - Card Number Auto Detect
Added On:  09/23/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that data for sanitization is a card number and its type is identified automatically by the system.
CT - Card Number Track Data
Added On:  09/23/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that data for sanitization is a track data associated with card number.
CE - Card Number EMV Data
Added On:  09/23/16
Status:  Active
Indicates that data for sanitization is an EMV data associated with card number.