
Type:  Struct
Abstract:  no
Status:  Active
Configuration settings for ACH processing through WellsFargo
Avalible Field Groups:
Group: System
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Type
Attributes: Constant, Required, Default: ach/wellsfargo
Default Value: ach/wellsfargo
Type of the Provider Profile. Type of the Provider Profile.
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Is Active
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the record is active in the system.
Group: System
Type: Boolean
XML Representation: attribute
References: Processing Profile.Is Credit Enabled
Attributes: Default: true
Default Value: true
Indicates whether the credit operation is allowed.
Group: System
XML Representation: element
Attributes: Default: D
Default Value: D
Group: Payment Facilitator
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Application ID
Attributes: Required, Default: 21243367
Default Value: 21243367
This value is a unique string used to identify the application within the EFT NACHA system. This field contains the Service Access ID (SAID) assigned by NACHA.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Immediate Origin
Attributes: Required, Default: 8000663400
Default Value: 8000663400
Assigned by provider (it seems this field is linked to routing number)
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Company Prefix
Attributes: Default: Sample Merchant
Default Value: Sample Merchant
The prefix of the company that is used to identify this company as the component of EFT NACHA.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Company Name
Attributes: Required, Default: Sample Merchant
Default Value: Sample Merchant
Name of the company that originates transactions.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Sale Company ID
Attributes: Required, Default: 000000001
Default Value: 000000001
ID of the company (originator of the transaction) assigned by the bank to process sales.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Refund Company Id
Attributes: Required, Default: 000000002
Default Value: 000000002
ID of the company (originator of the transaction) assigned by the bank to process credits.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.User Id
Attributes: Required, Default: JohnSmit
Default Value: JohnSmit
This value is a unique string used to identify the user within the EFT Nacha system.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Contact Name
Attributes: Required, Default: John Smith
Default Value: John Smith
Name of the person to contact with processing issues.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: General
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Currency Code
Attributes: Required, Default: USD
Default Value: USD
This code used to further identify the currency that is used.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Country Code
Attributes: Required, Default: US
Default Value: US
Country code of the merchant
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Street
Attributes: Default: streetAddress
Default Value: streetAddress
Street address of the Merchant's postal address.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.City
Attributes: Default: DF_345
Default Value: DF_345
This field contains the merchant location/city name provided by the signing member or processor.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.State
Attributes: Default: AZ_568
Default Value: AZ_568
This field contains the merchant State/Province Code provided by the signing member or processor.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Address
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.ZIP Code
Attributes: Default: 058654951
Default Value: 058654951
ZIP or postal code of the merchant's mailing address.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Descriptor
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Contact Phone Number
Attributes: Required, Default: 2124336765
Default Value: 2124336765
Phone number of the person to contact with processing issues.
Group: Merchant
SubGroup: Descriptor
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: EFT NACHA Profile.Description
Attributes: Required, Default: SampleItem
Default Value: SampleItem
Descriptor that will appear on the cardholder’s statement. If this field is blank the descriptor is reset to the default at the division level.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Primary Connection Type
Attributes: Constant, Default: SFTP
Default Value: SFTP
Type of connectivity to use to exchange messages/files with a processor.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.FTP Host
Attributes: Required, Default: ftp.mybank.com
Default Value: ftp.mybank.com
Host used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: Integer
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.FTP Port
Attributes: Required, Default: 22
Default Value: 22
Port used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Username
Attributes: Required, Default: sampleUser
Default Value: sampleUser
Username used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Password
Attributes: Encrypted, Default: samplePassword
Default Value: samplePassword
Password used for HTTPs based connectivity.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Path
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Outbox
Attributes: Default: /in
Default Value: /in
Location from which response files are downloaded for processing. If value is not defined, the responses are downloaded from the upload location.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: Path
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.Inbox
Attributes: Default: /out
Default Value: /out
Location where files are uploaded for processing.
Group: Submission
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSH Private Key File Name
Attributes: Default: samplePrivateKey.ssh
Default Value: samplePrivateKey.ssh
Name of the private SSH key to be used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity (for sFTP communication)
Group: Submission
SubGroup: SSH
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SSH Pass Phrase
Attributes: Encrypted, Default: samplePhrase
Default Value: samplePhrase
Passphrase of the private SSH key used for FTP/sFTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Host
Attributes: Required, Default: smtp.host.com
Default Value: smtp.host.com
Host used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: Integer
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Port
Attributes: Required, Default: 443
Default Value: 443
Port used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Username
Attributes: Required, Default: sampleUser
Default Value: sampleUser
Username used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Password
Attributes: Required, Encrypted, Default: samplePassword
Default Value: samplePassword
Password used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Connectivity
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP Encryption CL
Attributes: Required, Default: N
Default Value: N
Enumeration of possible encryption modes used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Path
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP From
Attributes: Required, Default: samplePassword
Default Value: samplePassword
List of From address used for SMTP based connectivity.
Group: Verification
SubGroup: Path
Type: String
XML Representation: attribute
References: Provider Account.SMTP To
Attributes: Required, Default: samplePassword
Default Value: samplePassword
List of To addresses used for SMTP based connectivity.

XML Sample:



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