Are you ready?
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to create a fulfillment center which is required for creating and completing terminal orders.
We will use the following parameters:
Portfolio Code: My First Portfolio - code of the portfolio that the fulfillment center is assigned to
ID: 100 - unique code of the fulfillment center, assigned by the system automatically
Name: My Fulfillment Center - name of the fulfillment center
Merchant Number: MERCHANT001 - gateway identifier assigned by the fulfillment center
Customer Number: CUSTOMER001 - gateway identifier assigned by the fulfillment center
Support Phone: 8001234567 - phone number of the support team of the fulfillment center
Connection Type: SFTP - type of connection with FTP server of the fulfillment center
Host: - address of the FTP server
Port: 22 - port of the FTP server
User Name: yourmerchant - username used for connection with FTP server
Password: merchantpass - password of the user used for connection with FTP server
Inbox Path: inboxUser - name of the folder on FTP server for downloading files
Outbox Path: outboxUser - name of the folder on FTP server for uploading files