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Provisioning of a merchant's business (new)

Version: V5.2.0
Added on: 06/12/16
Time: 45 min
Category: Tutorials

Useful Terms


Provisioning of a merchant's business (new)

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to provision a new Merchant.
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => Merchant Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Click   Newbutton in the right top section of the screen.
  4. Choose   Merchant (Provisioning *)  menu item  from the menu.
  5. Click select processorbutton
  6. Choose propay  menu item  from the menu.
  7. Locate   Detail  groupbox
  8. Enter John Smith into the Nametextbox
  9. Select EST in Time Zonedropdown
  10. Locate   Settings  groupbox
  11. Select Multiple in Accountslabel
  12. Select Single in Tax IDslabel
  13. Select Multiple in Descriptorslabel
  14. Select Multiple in Deposit Accountslabel
  15. Select Per Merchant in Recurring Feeslabel
  16. Select TestReseller in Resellerdropdown
  17. Click   Nextbutton
  18. Locate   Business Information  groupbox
  19. Enter 221234567 into the Federal Tax IDtextbox
  20. Enter My Company LLC into the Legal Business Nametextbox
  21. Enter My Company into the DBA Business Nametextbox
  22. Select Limited Liability Company in Ownership Structuredropdown
  23. Locate   Legal Address  groupbox
  24. Enter 220 Park Ave into the Streettextbox
  25. Enter New York into the Citytextbox
  26. Select United States in Countrydropdown
  27. Select New York in Statedropdown
  28. Enter 10020 into the Zip Code/Postal Codetextbox
  29. Enter www.my-company.com into the Web Sitetextbox
  30. Locate   Contact Address  groupbox
  31. Enter John Smith into the Contact Nametextbox
  32. Enter 300 5th Ave into the Streettextbox
  33. Enter New York into the Citytextbox
  34. Select United States in Countrydropdown
  35. Select New York in Statedropdown
  36. Select 10001 in Zip Code/Postal Codetextbox
  37. Enter john.smith@email.com into the Emailtextbox
  38. Enter 2121234567 into the Phonetextbox
  39. Click   Nextbutton
  40. Locate   Primary Owner  groupbox
  41. Click   Copy Data Frombutton
  42. Choose   Contact Address  menu item  from the menu.
  43. Enter John into the First Nametextbox
  44. Enter Smith into the Last Nametextbox
  45. Enter john.smith@email.com into the Emailtextbox
  46. Enter 2121234567 into the Phonetextbox
  47. Select 04/05/1985 in Birth Datedatebox
  48. Enter 987654321 into the Social Securitytextbox
  49. Select United States in Countrydropdown
  50. Select New York in Statedropdown
  51. Click   Nextbutton
  52. Locate   estimates (m)  tab
  53. Locate   Estimates (Transaction Am...  groupbox
  54. Select Annually in Estimation Perioddropdown
  55. Enter 100000 into the Total Volumetextbox
  56. Enter 2000 into the Avg Tickettextbox
  57. Enter 5000 into the Max Tickettextbox
  58. Click   Nextbutton
  59. Locate   deposit (m)  tab
  60. Locate   Deposit Information  groupbox
  61. Locate   Deposit Information  column
  62. Enter Super Bank into the Bank Nametextbox
  63. Enter John Smith into the Holder Nametextbox
  64. Enter 4099999992 into the Account #textbox
  65. Enter 021000021 into the Routing #textbox
  66. Click   Nextbutton
  67. Locate   settings (m)  tab
  68. Locate   Descriptors  groupbox
  69. Enter 7032 into the MCCtextbox
  70. Enter Test Descriptor into the Card Descriptortextbox
  71. Click   Nextbutton
  72. Locate   process (m)  tab
  73. Locate   Merchant Verify  groupbox
  74. Click   Sendbutton . If everything is filled out correctly, a respective request to the processor will be submitted.
  75. Locate   Provisioning Requests Lis...  groupbox
  76. Locate   Status  column to check the status of provisioning request.

    The statuses can be the following:
    • Approved status means that merchant has been provisioned successfully;
    • Declined status means that processor has declined provisioning request. In this case, you have to re-check and correct all entered information if needed, then open process tab and click Verify button to send provisioning request once again.
  77. Click   Nextbutton
  78. Locate   profiles (m)  tab
  79. Locate   Merchant Configure  groupbox
  80. Select propay in Configuration Scriptdropdown
  81. Click   Configurebutton to create ProPay billing profiles.
  82. Click   Savebutton to save the progress.
  83. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to provision a new merchant. Now you can do this by yourself.
