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In this tutorial we are going to learn how to enable PGP encryption for batch and real-time processing via the user interface.
For encryption/decryption of the fields in real-time API requests and batch request files, we will use public and private keys, generated by the gateway administrators. The private key, used for data decryption, is stored within the gateway. It is uploaded to the resources folder on the server and its name is added on the user interface, therefore encrypted fields in real-time API requests and batch request files can be decrypted automatically. The public key, used for data encryption, is not required to be stored within the gateway as it is used by a merchant only.
For encryption of batch response files, we will use a public key generated on the merchant's side. The name of this key is added to the processing settings of the merchant, therefore batch response files containing sensitive data are encrypted automatically before being sent to the merchant.
We will use the following parameters:
Private key used for decryption of fields in real-time API requests and batch request files:
Primary Private Key: gatewayprivatekey.asc
Primary Passphrase: gatewayprivatekey
Public key used for encryptiopn of batch response files:
Merchant's Public Key: merchantpublickey.asc