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Configuring merchant charges

Version: V6.3.0
Added on: 03/01/18
Time: 30 min
Category: Tutorials

Prerequisite Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description
Creating a reseller 06/10/14 15 mins This tutorial will teach you how to create a new Reseller and configure its settings.

Useful Terms

split rules    

Configuring merchant charges

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to configure merchant charges that are typically charged by the resellers to the merchants they interact with. We will learn how to create a new charge, search for a created charge and review the payments associated with it. To learn more amount merchant charges, review Merchant Charges section of the Remittance Management Guide.
    We will use the following parameters:
    Code: 003845
    Effective date: 03/01/18
    Amount: $1100
    Description: Franchising fee
  2. You can configure merchant charges using Charges form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Merchant => Remittance => Charges
    • Perspective => Console => Remittance => Charges

    You can choose any place you like.
  3. First, let's learn how to create a new charge.
  4. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  5. Locate     Remittance  button in the top right section of the screen.
  6. Choose   Charges  menu item  
  7. Locate   Charges List  groupbox
  8. Click   Newbutton
  9. Locate   New Charge  groupbox
  10. Enter 003845 into the Codetextbox
  11. Locate   Reseller  dropdown and select a reseller that you want to create the charge for.
  12. Locate   Account  dropdown and select an account that you want to create the charge for.
  13. Enter 03/01/18 into the Effective Datedatebox
  14. Enter 1100 into the Amounttextbox
  15. Enter Franchising fee into the Descriptiontextbox
  16. Click   Savebutton
  17. Now that we have learned how to create a new charge, let's learn how to search for a created charge.
  18. Locate   Charges Search  groupbox
  19. Enter 03/01/18 into the Effective Datedatebox
  20. Click   Findbutton
  21. Now that we have learned how to review a created charge, let's learn how to review the payments associated with this charge.
  22. Locate   Charges List  groupbox
  23. Click   View Chargebutton
  24. Locate   Payment List  groupbox to review the payments associated with the charge.
  25. Click   View Statementsbutton
  26. Choose Merchant Statement  menu item  and review the payment in Charges section of the merchant statement.
  27. Choose Reseller Statement  menu item  and review the payment in Charges section of the reseller statement
  28. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to configure merchant charges. Now you can do it by yourself.
