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Creating a merchant with remittance settings

Version: V2.10.6528
Added on: 06/16/14
Time: 30 min
Category: Tutorials

Prerequisite Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description
Navigating Merchant perspective 08/01/13 15 mins This tutorial is aimed at showing how to navigate Merchant Perspective based on Merchant_Selection.
Creating a merchant (basic) 06/10/14 15 mins This tutorial will teach you how to create a new Merchant and configure its settings.

Useful Terms

Merchant     Merchant Profile     Reserves    

Creating a merchant with remittance settings

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to create a new merchant and configure its remittance settings. Also, we will learn how to send merchant agreement to the creator.
    We will use the following parameters:
    Name: My Third Merchant
    Code: MP003

    Contact Information:
    John Smith
    300 5th Ave
    New York, NY 10001

    Accounts: Multiple
    Tax IDs: Single
    Descriptors: Single
    Deposit Accounts: Single
    Monthly Fees: Per Merchant

    Remitter: Remitter Sample

    Legal Name: My Company LLC
    Federal Tax ID: 123456789

    Holder Name: My Company LLC
    Account Number: 4099999992
    Routing Number: 021000021

    Bank Card Reserve:
    Minimum Amount: $500.00
    Rate: 2%

    Direct Debit Reserve:
    Minimum Amount: $500.00
    Rate: 5%

    Refund Reserve:
    Requested Amount: $1000.00
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => Merchant Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Click   Newbutton in the top left section of the screen.
  4. Choose   Merchant (Extended)  menu item  from the list.
  5. Locate   Create Merchant Settings  groupbox
  6. Locate   Send agreement to Merchan...  checkbox and check it off. Select Creator radio button to send the agreement to the creator.

    Note: To learn how to activate the merchant, review How to activate your account tutorial.
  7. Locate   Configure Remittance  checkboxand check it off to enable remittance settings.
  8. Locate   Profile  groupbox
  9. Click Multiple radio button for Accounts.
  10. Click Single radio button for Tax IDs.
  11. Click Single radio button for Descriptors.
  12. Click Single radio button for Deposit Accounts.
  13. Locate   Recurring Fees:  label - Per Merchant shoud be greyed out automatically after step 12.
  14. Locate   General  groupbox
  15. Enter MP003 into the Codetextbox
  16. Enter My Third Merchant into the Nametextbox
  17. Locate   Password  textbox and enter or generate password.

    Note: If you entered your own password, you have to confirm it manually using the Confirm password field. If you chose system generated password, it will be confirmed automatically.
  18. Locate   Contact Information  groupbox
  19. Enter John Smith into the Contact Nametextbox
  20. Enter 300 5th Ave into the Street 1textbox
  21. Enter New York into the Citytextbox
  22. Select United States in Countrydropdown
  23. Select New York in State/Province/Regiondropdown
  24. Enter 10001 into the ZIP Code/Postal Codetextbox
  25. Enter john.smith@email.com into the Emailtextbox
  26. Locate   Settings  groupbox
  27. Select Remitter in Remitterdropdown ; this is a system merchant that has all configurations you need for real-time, batch and tokenization processing.
  28. Locate   Business Info  groupbox
  29. Enter My Company LLC into the Legal Nametextbox
  30. Enter 123456789 into the Federal Tax IDtextbox
  31. Locate   Configuration  groupbox
  32. Locate   [configurations list]  dropdownand select an appropriate processor configuration.
  33. Locate   Account Group  groupbox
  34. Locate   Bank Information  groupbox
  35. Enter My Company LLC into the Holder Nametextbox
  36. Enter 4099999992 into the Account #textbox
  37. Enter 021000021 into the Routing #textbox
  38. Locate   Bank Card Reserve  groupbox
  39. Locate   Enabled  checkbox to enable bank card reserves.
  40. Enter 500 into the Min Amounttextbox
  41. Enter 2 into the Ratetextbox
  42. Locate   Refund Reserve  groupbox to enter refund reserve settings.
  43. Locate   Enabled  checkbox to activate it.
  44. Enter 1000 into the Required Amounttextbox
  45. Locate   ACH Reserve  groupbox
  46. Locate   Enabled  checkbox to enable direct debit reserves.
  47. Enter 500 into the Min Amounttextbox
  48. Enter 5 into the Ratetextbox
  49. Click   Savebutton
  50. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to create and configure a new merchant. Now, let’s learn how to create a new reseller.

Related Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description
Creating a reseller 06/10/14 15 mins This tutorial will teach you how to create a new Reseller and configure its settings.
Creating a merchant with processing settings 06/13/14 30 mins In this tutorial we are going to create a new Merchant using more elaborate process which involves configuring processes settings.
Creating a new merchant account 10/16/14 15 mins This tutorial will teach ypu how to to create a Merchant Account using two different forms on Merchant perspective - "New Account (Extended)" and "Accounts".
