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Underwriting of a merchant's business

Version: V2.10.6528
Added on: 07/25/13
Time: 30 min
Category: Tutorials

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Underwriting of a merchant's business

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to configure underwriting for a merchant.
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => Merchant Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  4. Click   Detailsbutton to access popup menu listing various Merchant detail forms.
  5. Choose   Provisioning  menu item  to access Provisioning Wizard form. Start with the general tab.
  6. Locate     Detail and Contact Information groupboxes.
  7. Locate   Notes  groupbox and enter notes associated with the Merchant if needed.
  8. Click   Nextbutton to proceed to the "business" tab.
  9. Enter the business information along with the legal address and processing information into the corresponding groupboxes.
  10. Click   Nextbutton to proceed to the "owners" tab.
  11. Enter the information regarding primary and secondary owner into the corresponding groupboxes or copy from the specific destination. Click the "next" button to proceed with the next step.
  12. Enter the information about the references provided by the merchants. Click the "next" button to proceed with the next step.
  13. Under the "deposit" tab enter the data regarding Bank Information, Bank Card Reserve, Refund Reserve and direct debit Reserve into the corresponding groupboxes.
  14. Choose Provisioning  tab  to access to Merchant's verification and view the results of background verification for business and owner.
  15. Choose Profiles  tab  to access the setup of the processing.
  16. You may now customize each type of the services.
  17. Click   Savebutton to save all the changes on the form.
  18. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to configure underwriting for a merchant. Now you can do this by yourself.
