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Creating a new processor's profile

Version: V5.1.0
Added on: 10/01/15
Time: 30 min
Category: Tutorials

Creating a new processor's profile

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to configure a new processor's profile. For this tutorial we are going to configure an Elavon viaConex4 profile that will process Visa, MasterCard, Amex and Discover cards with tokenization, credits and debit cards processing enabled.

    We will use the following parameters:
    Aggregation Frequency: Hourly
    Authorization Expiration Period: 7 days

    General Bank Id: 007542
    Name: ElavonMerchant
    Institution Name: MyGateway

    Address 300 5th Ave
    New York, NY 10001

    Descriptor Descriptor: DUES
    Customer Service Phone: 6465492317

    Retail Merchant Id: 1234567876
    Terminal Id: 0001234567876999

    eCommerce Merchant Id: 1234567876
    Terminal Id: 0001234567876999
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => Merchant Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  4. Click   Detailsbutton in the top left section of the screen.
  5. Choose   Profiles  menu item  from the list.
  6. Locate   Processing Information  groupbox
  7. Select Payment cards in Groupcolumn
  8. Select Realtime in Typecolumn
  9. Click   Modify Provider Profilebutton next to Realtime.
  10. Select elavon viaconex4 from the list of providers.
  11. Click   modify...menu item
  12. Locate   System  groupbox
  13. Select Visa, MasterCard, AmEx and Discover in Account Processing Policydropdown
  14. Locate   Tokenization Required  checkbox and check it off to enable tokenization for real-time processing.
  15. Select Hourly in Aggregation Frequencydropdown . This setting enables files aggregation to be done every 30 minutes.
  16. Locate   Credits Enabled  checkbox and check it off to allow credits to be requested within the system.
  17. Locate   Debit Card Processing Ena...  checkbox and check it off to enable debit cards to be processed within the system.
  18. Select 7 in Authorization Expiration ...dropdown to specify number of days during which an authorization can remain unsettled.
  19. Locate   Merchant  groupbox
  20. Locate   General  groupbox
  21. Enter 007542 into the Bank Idtextbox. This field is assigned by the processor.
  22. Enter ElavonMerchant into the Nametextbox. This field represents name of the merchant.
  23. Enter MyGateway into the Institution Nametextbox. This field represents the gateway.
  24. Locate   Address  groupbox
  25. Enter 300 5th Ave into the Streettextbox
  26. Enter New York into the Citytextbox
  27. Enter NY into the Statetextbox
  28. Enter USA into the Countrytextbox
  29. Enter 10001 into the Zip Codetextbox
  30. Locate   Descriptor  groupbox
  31. Enter DUES into the Descriptortextbox. This descriptor will be shown in the customers' statements. If this field is blank, the default processor's descriptor will be assigned.
  32. Enter 6465492317 into the Customer Service Phonetextbox
  33. Locate   Settings  groupbox
  34. Locate   Retail  groupbox
  35. Enter 1234567876 into the Merchant Idtextbox
  36. Enter 0001234567876999 into the Terminal Idtextbox
  37. Locate   eCommerce  groupbox
  38. Enter 1234567876 into the Merchant Idtextbox
  39. Enter 0001234567876999 into the Terminal Idtextbox
  40. Settings for the rest of sections (Payment Facilitator, Authorization and Settlement) must be requested from your processor/gateway owner.
  41. Click   Savebutton
  42. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to configure a new processor's profile. Now you can do this by yourself.
