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Setting up convenience fee

Version: V4.4
Added on: 10/06/15
Time: 45 min
Category: Tutorials

Useful Terms

Setting up convenience fee

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to set up Convenience Fees processing configuration.
    We will use the following parameters:
    The merchant we will use is My First Merchant from Creating a merchant tutorial.
    In this tutorial, convenience fees will be withdrawn from Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and direct debit transactions.

    Convenience fees will be calculated as follows:
    For transactions between $0 and $100 percentage fee will be 2.5% and flat fee will be $0.25.
    For transactions between $100 and $500 percentage fee will be 2.25% and flat fee will be $0.15.
    For transactions over $500 percentage fee will be 1.88% and flat fee will be $0.10.
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => Merchant Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  4. Click   Detailsbutton in the top left section of the screen.
  5. Locate     Processing  menu item
  6. Choose   Convenience Fees  menu item  from the dropdown menu.
  7. Click   Addbutton
  8. Locate   Convenience Fees  groupbox.

    Note: You can copy convenience fees configuration from/to an existing merchant account using Actions button.
  9. Locate   Account Type  groupbox
  10. Locate Visa, MasterCard, American Express, Discover and direct debit checkboxes and check them off.
  11. Locate   Processing Cost  groupbox
  12. Click Ignore radio button to calculate fees only on the basis of the rules entered into table below.

    Note: If include radio button is chosen, fees calculation logic will include not just rules set up in the gateway, but processor's fee value as well.
  13. Locate   Rules  groupbox
  14. Locate   Enter Transaction Amount  column and select between in the dropdown below.
  15. Locate   Upper Limit  textbox next to 0.
  16. Enter 100 into the Upper Limittextbox
  17. Enter 2.5 into the Percentage Feetextbox
  18. Enter 0.25 into the Flat Feetextbox
  19. Locate   Upper Limit  textbox next to 100.00.
  20. Enter 500 into the Upper Limittextbox
  21. Enter 2.25 into the Percentage Feetextbox
  22. Enter 0.15 into the Flat Feetextbox
  23. Locate   Enter Transaction Amount  column and select over in the third dropdown.
  24. Locate   Percentage Fee  textbox next to 500.00.
  25. Enter 1.88 into the Percentage Feetextbox
  26. Enter 0.10 into the Flat Feetextbox
  27. After you are done, your screen will look similiar to the screenshot.
  28. Now let's learn how to test our convenience fees calculation mechanism.
  29. Locate   Test Rules  groupbox
  30. Enter 2000 into the Transaction Amounttextbox
  31. Click   Calculate Feebutton
  32. Locate   Convenience Fee  readonly field to check the result. For $2000 it should be $37.70
  33. Click   Savebutton
  34. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to set up convenience fees. Now you can do this by yourself.
