Structure of Log Files

Groups: All   Processing   Status   Debug   

Available Log Files for Debug:

Log Files for Debug:

Added On:  10/20/14
Level:  Debug
Category:  atlas.gates.HTTPFormGatesDebug
Status:  Active
Group:  debug
File Name:  HTTPFormGatesDebug.log
Resource:  $app-home/jboss-7.4.0/standalone/log/debug/HTTPFormGatesDebug.log
Legacy File Name:  http-gates.log
Contains information about incoming requests and outgoing responses of unicharge-api, including corresponding sensitive data.
Added On:  01/06/17
Level:  Debug
Category:  atlas.gates.HTTPFormGatesDebug
Status:  Active
Group:  debug
File Name:  debug.log
Resource:  $unibroker-home/jboss/logs/debug.log
Legacy File Name:  debug.log
Contains information about processes associated with debugging of the system, including Java database connectivity issues.