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Restarting processing of a submitted file

Version: V4.4
Added on: 10/26/15
Time: 30 min
Category: Tutorials

Restarting processing of a submitted file

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to restart processing of a submitted file. This action can be applied for cases when processing of submitted files got failed. In this case, the system provides possibility to avoid resubmission of the file allowing an administrative user to restart the failed task without following all successfully completed processes. You can resubmit a file for processing in three different ways, depending on a phase when a file processing got failed:
    • using Sub-Batch form (if only a part of a particular batch needs to be reprocessed. For example, if a batch file includes both direct debit and CC transactions, we can restart file processing only for either direct debit or CC part);
    • using FTP Gates form (when a process got failed and should be restarted on the gateway side);
    • using File Store form (when a process got failed and should be restarted on the processor side).
    The form that you should use for file reprocessing depends on the place where processing of your file got failed. Note that only one place can be used at a time. To learn more about file management, review this guide.
    We will use the following parameters:
    Merchant: 2000
    Attempt Date: 03/29/2025
    FTP Gates status: Pending Upload
    File Store status: Pending Upload
    Sub-batch status: Forward
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Let's learn how to restart processing of a sub-batch associated with particular batch using Sub Batch form, which is available at the Perspective => Administration => Monitoring perspective => Sub Batch.
  4. Select appropriate Merchant or Merchant Account in the top left section of the screen.
  5. Click   Sub Batchbutton in the top section of the screen.
  6. Locate   Sub-Batch Search  groupbox
  7. Enter 03/29/2025 into the Attempt Datedatebox
  8. Select Forward in Statusdropdown
  9. Click   Findbutton
  10. Locate   Sub-Batch List  groupbox
  11. Click   Actionsbutton
  12. Choose   Rerun Processing Service  menu item  to restart processing of the file.
  13. To make sure that the task was restarted, please refresh your search and check if the status of the sub-batch has changed.
  14. Next, let's learn how to restart processing of a file using FTP Gates form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Administration => Monitoring perspective => FTP Gates
    • Perspective => Administration => System perspective => Files => FTP Gates

    You can choose any place you like.
  15. Click   FTP Gatesbutton in the top section of the screen.

    Note: On System pespective, FTP Gates section can be found under Files button.
  16. Locate   FTP Gates Search  groupbox
  17. Select 2000 in
  18. Select Pending Upload in
  19. Enter 03/29/2025 into the
  20. Click
  21. Locate   FTP Gates List  groupbox
  22. Click   Actionsbutton
  23. Choose   Rerun Processing Service  menu item   to restart processing of the file.
  24. Finally, let's learn how to restart processing of a file using File Store form, which is available at the following places:

    • Perspective => Administration => Monitoring perspective => File Store
    • Perspective => Administration => System perspective => Files => File Store

    You can choose any place you like.
  25. Click   File Storebutton in the top section of the screen.

    Note: On System pespective, File Store section can be found under Files button.
  26. Locate   File Store Search  groupbox
  27. Select 2000 in
  28. Select Pending Upload in
  29. Locate   Request  groupbox
  30. Enter 03/29/2025 into the
  31. Click
  32. Locate   File Store List  groupbox
  33. Click
  34. Choose      to restart processing of the file.
  35. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to restart processing of a submitted file. Now let's learn how to re-generate an aggregated file.

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