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Creating a merchant (basic)

Version: V2.10.6528
Added on: 06/10/14
Time: 15 min
Category: Tutorials

Prerequisite Tutorials

Name Added On Difficulty Time Required Description

Useful Terms

Merchant     Merchant Profile    

Creating a merchant (basic)

  1. Are you ready?

    In this tutorial we are going to learn how to set up a merchant representing a fast-food restaurant with three cash registers.

    We are going to create a new merchant with the following parameters:
    Name: My First Merchant
    Code: MP001

    Contact Information:
    John Smith
    300 5th Ave
    New York, NY 10001

    Accounts: Multiple (We need a separate account for each register)
    Tax IDs: Single (All accounts represent cash registers that belong to one corporate entity; that is why Tax ID is the same)
    Descriptors: Single (Same as Tax IDs, everything is done under the same entity and the same descriptor can be used)
    Deposit Accounts: Single (All money process through the cash registers and deposit to the single account)
    Monthly Fees: Per Merchant (All money is charged to the restaurant regardless of a number of cash registers)
  2. Log in to the system using your Username and Password and switch to the Management => Merchant Perspective.

    Note: To learn how to log in and select perspectives, use the prerequisite tutorial Logging in and navigating the application.
  3. Click   Newbutton in the top left section of the screen.
  4. Choose   Merchant  menu item  from the list.
  5. Locate   Merchant  groupbox
  6. Locate   Profile  label
  7. Click Multiple radio button for Accounts.
  8. Click Single radio button for Tax IDs.
  9. Click Single radio button for Descriptors.
  10. Click Single radio button for Deposit Accounts.
  11. Locate   Recurring Fees:  label - Per Merchant shoud be greyed out automatically after step 10.
  12. Enter MP001 into the Codetextbox
  13. Enter My First Merchant into the Nametextbox
  14. Select EST in Time Zonedropdown
  15. Locate   Password  password and enter or generate password.

    Note: If you entered your own password, you have to confirm it manually using the Confirm password field. If you chose system generated password, it will be confirmed automatically.
  16. Locate   Contact Information  groupbox
  17. Enter John Smith into the Contact Nametextbox
  18. Enter 300 5th Ave into the Street 1textbox
  19. Enter New York into the Citytextbox
  20. Select United States in Countrydropdown
  21. Select New York in State/Province/Regiondropdown
  22. Enter 10001 into the Zip Code/Postal Codetextbox
  23. Enter john.smith@email.com into the Emailtextbox
  24. Locate   Notes  groupbox to add additional notes (if needed).
  25. Click   Savebutton
  26. Congratulations, you are done!

    You have learned how to create and configure a new merchant. Let’s now learn how to create a merchant with processing settings.

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