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NMI  (real-time) Response Codes:

Transaction Responses   
Code Type Message UniPay Code
100 Good Transaction was Approved A01
201 Soft Do not Honor D01
263 Soft Declined - Update Cardholder Data Available D01
200 Soft Transaction was Declined by Processor D01
240 Soft Call Issuer for Further Information D01
264 Soft Declined - Retry in a few days D01
224 Hard Invalid Expiration Date D02
202 Soft Insufficient Funds D03
250 Hard Pick Up Card D04
253 Hard Fraudulent Card D05
222 Hard No Card Number on file with Issuer D05
221 Hard No Such Card Issuer D05
225 Soft Invalid Card Security Code D08
251 Hard Lost Card D10
252 Hard Stolen Card D11
204 Soft Transaction not allowed D12
261 Hard Declined - Stop All Recurring Payments D13
262 Hard Declined - Stop this Recurring Program D13
203 Soft Over Limit D15
223 Hard Expired Card D16
260 Soft Declined with further Instructions Available (see response text) D17
400 Hard Transaction Error Returned by Processor D27
441 Hard Invalid Transaction Information D27
421 Hard Communication Error with Issuer D27
220 Hard Incorrect Payment Data D27
461 Hard Unsupported Card Type D27
440 Hard Processor Format Error D27
300 Hard Transaction was Rejected by Gateway D27
420 Hard Communication Error D27
460 Hard Processor Feature not Available D27
430 Hard Duplicate Transaction at Processor D27
411 Soft Merchant Account is Inactive D34
410 Soft Invalid Merchant Configuration D34

AVS Responses   
Code Message UniPay Code
0 AVS Not Available 00
B AVS Not Available 00
R Issuer system unavailable 00
O AVS Not Available 00
E Not a mail/phone order 00
U Address unavailable 40
N No address or ZIP match 45
C No address or ZIP match 45
L Street address does not match, ZIP matches 46
P Street address does not match, ZIP matches 46
Z 5-character ZIP match only 46
W 9-character numeric ZIP match only 47
A Address match only 4D
B ZIP does not match 4D
D Street address and postal code match 4E
Y Exact match, 5-character numeric ZIP 4E
M Street address and postal code match 4E
X Exact match, 9-character numeric ZIP 4F
G Non-U.S. Issuer does not participate 80
S Service not supported 80
I Non-U.S. Issuer does not participate 80

CSC Responses   
Code Message UniPay Code
M CVV2/CVC2 Match M
N CVV2/CVC2 No Match N
P Not Processed P
S Merchant has indicated that CVV2/CVC2 is not present on card S
U Issuer is not certified and/or has not provided Visa encryption keys U