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System Codes

Proxynization API Response Codes  
Code User Message Developer Message/Description
A01 Succesfull Transaction has been approved.
E02 Communication error Network connection error has occurred.
S01 Wrong credentials or password has expired User has entered wrong credentials or user's password has expired.
S02 Internal server error Internal server error.
V01 accountNumber is empty or it contains wrong characters accountNumber field is empty or contains wrong characters.
V01 accountNumber is required parameter accountNumber field is required and cannot be empty.
Terminal Error Codes  
Code User Message Developer Message/Description
A01T Success Transaction has been processed successfully.
A21T Offline Approval (Sale Posted) Sale transaction has been approved by a terminal.
A22T Offline Approval (Credit Posted) Credit transaction has been approved by a terminal.
A23T Offline Approval (Void Posted) Void transaction has been approved by a terminal.
D35T Card chip decline (offline) Transaction has been declined by a chip (for EMV cards only). Call your bank for more details or use an another payment card.
D36T Card chip decline (online) Transaction has been declined by a chip after receiving a response from the gateway (for EMV cards only). Call your bank for more details or use an another payment card.
D37T Card is blocked Payment card used for the transaction is blocked and cannot be used. Call your bank for more details or use an another payment card.
D38T Card is not accepted Payment card used for the transaction cannot be processed by a terminal. Make sure that the terminal is configured for this type of payment cards and try processing again.
D39T Call your bank Payment card used for the transaction cannot be processed by a terminal. Make sure that card's issuing bank allows the transaction to be processed and try processing again.
D41T Something went wrong. Please try again Terminal cannot exchange data with the gateway. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
D42T Response validation failed MacValue validation fails. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
E02T Host unavailable Terminal cannot connect to the gateway. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
E11T Invalid connection path (HttpStatusCode) URL specified in the request is invalid or not found. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
E12T Connection timeout Timeout has occurred while trying to connect to the gateway. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
E13T Invalid response format Response format is invalid and cannot be parsed by a terminal. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
E20T Terminal is busy: transaction processing in progress Terminal is busy with processing a transaction at the moment. Try again later.
F21T Field's FieldName value is missing. Value of the field, which is required, was not supplied. Make sure that you are supplying the value for the indicated field.
F22T Field's FieldName value is not well-formatted. Value of the field, which requires specific formatting, does not adhere to the formatting requirements. Verify what are the formatting requirements for this field and make sure you follow them.
F25T Field's FieldName value must be within range from RangeFrom to RangeTo. Value of the field, which is required to be in a specific range, is out of range. Verify what is the required value range and make sure that the value you are supplying falls into this range.
F31T Transaction FieldName exceeds LimitName limit. The value of the transaction field exceeds the specified limit. Each transaction field has a defined limit, and the provided value surpasses this limit. Ensure that the transaction amount you are supplying is within the allowable limit for contact or contactless payment methods. Verify the maximum allowable value and make the necessary adjustments to comply with this limit.
L01T Username or password is invalid. Either username or password is invalid. Make sure that credentials you are supplying are correct.
S20T System error. System error occurred. Reach out to the gateway support team for more information.
S43T Necessary permission is missing. The application needs access to the device's resources to operate fully. Errors typically arise when users either fail to grant or deny the permissions essential for the app's proper functionality. This restriction of permissions hampers the app's ability to work correctly.
U21T RequestType operation is not supported. The operation you are trying to perform is not supported by a terminal. Verify what are the requirements for this operation and make sure you follow them.
V24T Referenced ReferenceName is not found within the LevelName. The object that you referenced does not exist within the specified scope. Verify that you are referencing to an existing object. For example, you are referencing a ticket/item, however, there is no such ticket/item within the system.
V28T Field's FieldName value must be RelationshipName AmountName. Value of the amount field, which is required to be more, less or equal to a specific amount, does not adhere to the requirements. Verify what is the required amount range and make sure that the amount you are supplying falls into this range. For example, amount value that you submitted is more or less than the ticket amount.
V32T ObjectName is already StateName. The submitted transaction or ticket cannot be processed due to the incorrect current state. Verify the status of the transaction/ticket you are trying to process. For example, you are referencing a ticket that has already been closed.
X01T Processing cancelled by user A cardholder or an operator initiated cancellation of the transaction.

Hint 1: App minimized during security operation which doesn’t allow it, such as PIN entry.
X04T Processing cancelled: the request has expired. Transaction processing has been cancelled due to a user being inactive for a time period specified as a timeout.
X05T Card removed prematurely Transaction processing has been cancelled by a user by removing a payment card during the processing.
X06T Processing cancelled: the request was interrupted. Transaction processing has been cancelled by POS.
Terminal Management System Status Codes  
Code User Message Developer Message/Description
E02T Host unavailable Terminal cannot connect to the TMS server. Reach out to the support team for more information.
E11T Invalid connection path (HttpStatusCode) URL specified in the request is invalid or not found. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M01 Operation completed Operation has completed successfully.
M02 System error occurred System error occurred. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M03 Insufficient memory error occurred The system has run out of available memory (RAM). Reach out to the support team for more information.
M10 Data upload failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while uploading data to the TMS. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M11 Data download failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while downloading data from the TMS. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M12 Resource creation failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while creating a resource. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M13 Resource opening failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while opening a resource. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M14 Resource copying failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while copying a resource to a destination place. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M15 Resource removal failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while deleting a resource. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M16 Application installation failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while installing an application to a terminal. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M17 Application installation failed (memory) (ResourceName) Error occurred while installing an application due to insufficient space. Verify that there is free storage left on a terminal and try the installation again.
M18 Corrupt application detected (ResourceName) An application you referenced is corrupt and cannot be opened or installed. Verify that you are referencing to an intact application.
M19 Corrupt message received (ResourceName) One or more field's values received from the server are invalid and cannot be identified by the system. Reach out to the support team for more information.
M20 Resource checksum verification failed (ResourceName) Error occurred while verifying a checksum of a received file. Reach out to the support team for more information.
Warning Codes  
Code User Message Developer Message/Description
D warning: descriptor truncation (custom descriptor) Descriptor has been truncated.
F warning: fraud detected Fraud has been detected while processing a transaction.
P warning: partial authorization not enabled Partial authorization is not enabled.
R warning: AVS/CVV not matched AVS or CVV codes do not match.
T warning: custom parameters data truncation One or more customer parameters could not be persisted to the database.
С warning: descriptor truncation (company name) Company name has been truncated.