UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   QA  

Available Properties for config.properties:

Property Definitions for config.properties:

Added On:  02/19/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  QA
Status:  Active
A configuration file for the proxy host emulator (used for testing purposes only).

Each config.properties file contains the following properties:
  • loader - communication type. Possible values: HTTP, SFTP;
  • pattern - emulator validation template, defines how request data is validated. Possible values: General (character-by-character verification), Report (verification of the reports using a template), Staticfile (verification of positions within a static file), Httprequest (shows all information included in the request without verification), OnboardingTandem (verification and response generation for provisioning/vantiv-tandem integration);
  • analyzer - emulator analyzer, defines a type of the test and its behavior. Possible values: Requestonly (request submission and validation), Request1response (request submission, validation and response generation), Report (request submission, report downloading, validation)

Configuration file may also contain the following optional properties:
  • request.pattern = request.pattern - name of the file that contains validation template for request data;
  • response.success.pattern = response-success.pattern - name of the file that contains a template for generation of response data in case of successful validation;
  • response.success.filename = @requestFileName@.response.@requestFileExt@ - rule for generation of successful response file;
  • response.failure.pattern = response-failure.pattern - name of the file that contains a template for generation of response data in case of unsuccessful validation;
  • response.failure.filename = @requestFileName@.badResponse.@requestFileExt@ - rule for generation of failed response file;
  • response.prepare.action = cleanOutDir - cleans out an SFTP directory where a response file generated by the emulator is stored;
  • field.[name] - validation rules for a particular field. For example, field.merchantName = ALPHA_NUMERIC_S_W,50.

For example, config.properties should look similar to the following:
loader = HTTP pattern = General
analyzer = Request1response

request.pattern = request.pattern
response.success.pattern = response-success.pattern
response.failure.pattern = response-failure.pattern

field.firstName = R,1,20,ALPHA_NUMERIC_S_W
field.lastName = R,1-20,ALPHA_NUMERIC_S_W
field.legalEntityName = O,1-60,ALPHA_NUMERIC_S_W
field.responseCode = O,1,2,^[0-9]+$, "10"
field.responseDescription = O,1-40,ALPHA_NUMERIC_S_W, "Approved"
Added On:  02/21/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  QA
Status:  Active
File that contains validation template for request data.
Added On:  02/21/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  QA
Status:  Active
File that contains a template for generation of response data in case of unsuccessful validation.
Added On:  02/21/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  QA
Status:  Active
File that contains a template for generation of response data in case of successful validation.