R |
Retry - system unable to respond |
00 |
U |
No data from Issuer/auth system |
40 |
G |
Address information not verified for International transaction |
40 |
I |
Address information not verified for International transaction |
40 |
C |
Address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (international address) |
45 |
N |
Neither address or ZIP code match |
45 |
Z |
9 digit ZIP code match, address does not match |
47 |
P |
Postal code match. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats (international address) |
47 |
A |
Address matches, ZIP code does not |
4D |
B |
Address match, postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (international address) |
4D |
D |
Street address and postal code match (international address) |
4F |
M |
Street address and postal code matches |
4F |
Y |
9 digit ZIP and address match |
4F |
U |
ABS not supported |
80 |
R |
Retry - system unable to respond |
00 |
U |
No data from Issuer/auth system |
40 |
N |
Neither address or ZIP code match |
45 |
Z |
5 digit ZIP code match, address does not match |
46 |
W |
9 digit ZIP code match, address does not match |
47 |
A |
Address matches, ZIP code does not |
4D |
Y |
5 digit ZIP and address match |
4E |
X |
9 digit ZIP and address match |
4F |
S |
ABS not supported |
80 |
R |
Retry - system unable to respond |
00 |
U |
No data from Issuer/auth system |
40 |
N |
Neither address or ZIP code match |
45 |
Z |
5 digit ZIP code match, address does not match |
46 |
W |
9 digit ZIP code match, address does not match |
47 |
A |
Address matches, ZIP code does not |
4D |
Y |
5 digit ZIP and address match |
4E |
X |
9 digit ZIP and address match |
4F |
S |
ABS not supported |
80 |
R |
Retry - system unable to respond |
00 |
I |
Address information not verified for International transaction |
40 |
G |
Address information not verified for International transaction |
40 |
U |
No data from Issuer/auth system |
40 |
N |
Neither address or ZIP code match |
45 |
C |
Address and postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (international address) |
45 |
Z |
9 digit ZIP code match, address does not match |
47 |
P |
Postal code match. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats (international address) |
47 |
A |
Address matches, ZIP code does not |
4D |
B |
Address match, postal code not verified due to incompatible formats (international address) |
4D |
D |
Street address and postal code match (international address) |
4F |
M |
Street address and postal code matches |
4F |
Y |
9 digit ZIP and address match |
4F |
U |
ABS not supported |
80 |