Onboarding APIs

Account Type   

C Checking
S Savings
Action Type   

S Submit. Indicates that the onboarding request is going to be submitted immediately to a processor.
H Hold. Indicates that the onboarding request is going to be submitted to a processor after a submission of the get-status API request with the actionType=S field value included.
Data Format   

all Values for all fields
non sensitive Values for only those fields
Industry Type   

R Retail
S Restaurant

load Type of the request/response
Merchant Creation Policy Type   

A Indicates that a merchant is created when an onboarding application is approved by a processor
R Indicates that a merchant is created when an onboarding application either in review or approved by a processor
Merchant Profile   

SSSSM Represents a merchant with a single location with a single tax ID, processing and deposit settings associated with it. Recurring fees are charged only once
MSSSM Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a single tax ID. Processing is done with a same MID. Money is deposited in a same single bank account for all locations. Recurring fees are charged only once
MMMMM Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a separate tax ID for each merchant account. Processing is done with multiple MIDs (one MID per descriptor). Money is deposited in a separate bank account for each merchant account. Recurring fees are charged only once
MMMMA Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a separate tax ID for each merchant account. Processing is done with multiple MIDs (one MID per descriptor). Money is deposited in a separate bank account for each merchant account. Recurring fees are charged per each merchant account
MSMMM Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a single tax ID. Processing is done with multiple MIDs (one MID per descriptor). Money is deposited in a separate bank account for each merchant account. Recurring fees are charged only once
MSMMA Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a single tax ID. Processing is done with multiple MIDs (one MID per descriptor). Money is deposited in a separate bank account for each merchant account. Recurring fees are charged per each merchant account
MSSMM Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a single tax ID. Processing is done with a same MID. Money is deposited in a separate bank account for each merchant account. Recurring fees are charged only once
MSSMA Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a single tax ID. Processing is done with a same MID. Money is deposited in a separate bank account for each merchant account. Recurring fees are charged per each merchant account
MSMSM Represents a merchant with multiple locations. Underwriting is done with a single tax ID. Processing is done with multiple MIDs (one MID per descriptor). Money is deposited in a same single bank account for all locations. Recurring fees are charged only once
Merchant Type   

M Merchant
A Affiliate
Notification Policy Type   

A Indicates that all notifications are enabled
X Indicates that all notifications are disabled
Onboarding Response Codes   

A Approved
D Declined
R In Review
P Pending
J Rejected
E Error (available in the 7.2 release)
C Needs Correction (available in the 7.2 release)
W Approved Warning (available in the 7.2 release)
F Failed (available in the 7.2 release)
Ownership Structure Type   

SP Sole proprietorship
LLC Limited lability company
NP Nonprofit corporation
GA Government agency
IO International organization (deprecated starting from the 7.2 release)
GP Partnership (available in the 7.2 release)
GP General partnership (deprecated starting from the 7.1 release)
LP Limited partnership (deprecated starting from the 7.1 release)
LLP Limited liability partnership (deprecated starting from the 7.2 release)
C Corporation (deprecated starting from the 7.2 release)
C Public corporation (available in the 7.2 release)
CSP Charitable solicitations program (deprecated starting from the 7.2 release)
CTP Charitable trust program (deprecated starting from the 7.2 release)
PC Private corporation (available in the 7.2 release)
AT Association/estate/trust (deprecated starting from the 7.2 release)
Return URL Policy Type   

page Indicates that when onboarding process is complete (when the Continue button on the confirmation result page is pressed), a user is redirected to the URL indicated in the returnURL field value
redirect Indicates that when onboarding process is complete, a user is automatically redirected to the link indicated in the returnURL field value (bypassing a confirmation page)
Terminal Status   

A Active
I Inactive
Transaction Industry Type   

RX Retail Card Not Present
RE Retail
RP Recurring
RS Restaurant
IP Installment
EC Ecommerce
DM Direct Marketing
RN Restaurant Card Not Present
PT Petroleum
LD Lodging
CCD Corporate Credit Or Debit
PPD Prearranged Payment And Deposit Entry
POP Point Of Purchase Entry
TEL Telephone Initiated Entry
WEB Internet Initiated Entry
C21 Check21
CR Car Rental

POS General POS
VRT Virtual
Update Terminal   

update-terminal Type of the request/response