Real Time (HTTPs) APIs

Account Type   

R Branded credit card
E Branded debit checking card. This type is used for Canadian debit cards (Interac) only.
V Branded debit savings card. This type is used for Canadian debit cards (Interac) only.
D Unbranded debit checking card
I Unbranded debit savings card
S Bank saving account
C Bank checking account
F EBT food stamp
H EBT cash benefit
G Gift card
L Fleet
A Cash (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
K Check (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
Authentication Status Type   

Y Indicates that 3D Secure verification has been completed successfully
A Indicates that 3D Secure verification has been attempted
U Indicates that a submitted card cannot be verified
Authentication Type   

Processing Password is used to process transactions in real-time.
Onboarding Password is used for processing onboarding requests.
HPP Password is used to process transactions via HPP.
Card Class   

B Business
C Consumer
P Purchase
T Corporate
Card Indicator Type   

C Credit hybrid (PIN and signature)
E Debit (PIN only with EBT)
H Debit hybrid (PIN and signature)
J USA commercial debit (signature only, no PIN access)
K USA commercial debit (PIN Capable)
L NON USA Consumer Debit - No Pin Access
M NON USA Commercial Debit - No Pin Access
N NON USA Consumer Debit - Pin Capable
O NON USA Commercial Debit - Pin Capable
P Debit - PIN Only without EBT
R Private Label (MasterCard)
S Signature only (not PIN capable)
U Reloadable Prepaid - Amex only
V Stored Value Prepaid - Amex only
X True credit (No PIN/Signature capability)
Card Type   

P Physical
V Virtual
CSC Indicator Type   

P Indicates that CSC is provided in the API request
N Indicates that CSC is not provided in the API request
I Indicates that CSC is illegible
X Indicates that CSC is not present on the payment card
Currency Code Type   

PTS Points
DEF Default currency of an account
Cycle Type   

S Indicates that a secondary transaction cycle is closed. Secondary RTC includes only direct debit transactions
P Indicates that a primary transaction cycle is closed. Primary RTC includes only payment card transactions or both card and direct debit transactions
Driver License State   

CA California
AL Alabama
AK Alaska
AZ Arizona
CT Connecticut
CO Colorado
GA Georgia
FL Florida
DE Delaware
AR Arkansas
IL Illinois
HI Hawaii
ID Idaho
IN Indiana
KS Kansas
KY Commonwealth of Kentucky
IA Iowa
ME Maine
LA Louisiana
MN Minnesota
MI Michigan
MO Missouri
MD Maryland
MA Massachusetts
MS Mississippi
MT Montana
NV Nevada
NH New Hampshire
NJ New Jersey
NE Nebraska
NY New York
NC North Carolina
OK Oklahoma
OH Ohio
ND North Dakota
PA Commonwealth of Pennsylvania
OR Oregon
NM New Mexico
SD South Dakota
TN Tennessee
RI Rhode Island
SC South Carolina
VA Commonwealth of Virginia
VT Vermont
UT Utah
TX Texas
WV West Virginia
WA Washington
WI Wisconsin
DC Washington DC
WY Wyoming
Entry Medium Type   

NP Not present
MC Magnetic card
CC Chip card
CH Check
Entry Mode Type   

S Swipe/Scan; data is received when a card/check is swiped/scanned
H Chip; data is received when an EMV card is inserted into a terminal
C Contactless; data is received when a contactless card is tapped to a terminal
M Manual; data is received when a user enters it manually. Used when card/check data cannot be read by any of the entry methods indicated above
Entry PIN Mode Type   

X Unknown
S Supported
U Unsupported
N Inoperative
O Offline
Extended Account Type   

VC Visa credit card
VD Visa debit card
MC MasterCard credit card
MD MasterCard debit card
DC Discover credit card
DD Discover debit card
AC AmEx credit card
NC Diners credit card
BD Bank debit Card
BC Checking account
BS Savings account
VP Visa prepaid card
VS Visa fleet card
MP MasterCard prepaid card
MF MasterCard fleet card
EF EBT food stamp
EC EBT cash benefit
GG General gift card
FL Fleet One card
GF Fuelman or FleetWide card
VF Voyager fleet card
WX WEX fleet card
CA Cash (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
CK Check (used for sale-info, credit-info API calls)
VE Visa debit checking account
VV Visa debit saving account
UC UnionPay credit card
UD UnionPay debit card
Extra Charge Type   

G Gift shop
L Laundry
B Mini bar
R Restaurant
T Telephone
S Gass
M Extra mileage
N Late return
W One way service
P Parking violation
Fallback Reason Code Type   

NA Indicates that none of the applications, available on the chip, are supported by the terminal
TE Indicates that processing is not physically possible
Holder Type   

P Person
O Organization (used for level II and level III transactions)
Holder Verification Mode Type   

NN No verification
II Ink signature verification
DD Digital signature verification
PP PIN verification
PI PIN and ink signature verification
PD PIN and digital signature verification
Identity Verification Type   

ssn_4 The last four digits of a bank account holder’s social security number
dob_y Birth year of a bank account holder
Lodging Charge Type   

H Hotel
R Restaurant
G Gift shop
S Health spa
B Beauty shop
F Convention fee
T Tennis
O Golf
Migrate Status Type   

M Completed
P Pending
F Failed
C Cancelled
Migrate Terminal Type   

migrate-terminal Type of the request/response
Payment Method Type   

Petroleum Product Type   

F Fuel
N Non-fuel
Pre-tokenization Verification Mode Type   

NN Indicates that pre-tokenization verification of the payment card or bank account is not performed
PF Indicates that pre-tokenization verification of the payment card or bank account is performed by a processor. If verification fails, tokenization request is declined
Processing Mode Type   

online Indicates that the transaction is processed online
offline Indicates that the transaction is processed offline, i.e. it is pre-processed (in case of swiped transactions) or it has been approved by the chip (in case of EMV transactions)
request Indicates that the transaction is executed by the terminal
queue Indicates that the transaction is queued by the terminal for further processing
Receipt Mode Type   

N Indicates that the receipt is not needed.
G Indicates that the receipt is sent to a customer via email.
T Indicates that the receipt is printed out by the terminal.
P Indicates that the receipt is printed out by the POS.
Return URL Policy Type   

page Indicates that when a transaction is completed, a result (confirmation) page with the response is rendered, regardless of the transaction response (approval or decline). On the result (confirmation) page there is a Continue button to automatically redirect the user to the link indicated in returnURL (if it is included in the request).
page-approval Indicates that when a transaction is completed, a result (confirmation) page with the response is rendered only if the transaction has been approved. The Continue button (to automatically redirect the user to the link indicated in returnURL) is present only if the transaction has been approved. If the transaction has been declined, response message is rendered on the main page (HPP session invalidated, no further action is allowed).
redirect Indicates that when a transaction is completed, a user is automatically redirected to the link indicated in returnURL (bypassing a confirmation page) regardless of the transaction response (approval or decline).
redirect-approval Indicates that when a transaction is completed and approved by the processor, a user is automatically redirected to the link indicated in returnURL (bypassing a confirmation page). If the transaction has been declined, the user is forwarded to the result page (HPP session closed, no further action allowed).
Settlment Status   

settled Only settled transactions are included in report
unsettled Only unsettled transaction are included in report
all All transactions are included in report
Special Program Type   

AD Advance deposit
AR Assured reservation
DC Delayed charge
ES Express service
NC Normal charge
NS No show charge
FR Frequent renter
Submission Type   

all Indicates that transactions of all submission types are exported
realtime Indicates that real-time transactions are exported
batch Indicates that batch transactions are exported
rebill Indicates that transactions that are in rebill are exported
retry Indicates that transactions that are in retry are exported
Tax Indicator Type   

P Indicates that tax information is provided
N Indicates that tax information is not provided
E Indicates that payment card or bank account holder Is exempted from paying taxes
Terminal Capability Mode Type   

unknown Terminal capability is unknown
unused No terminal is used
manual Transaction data can be entered manually
stripe Transaction data can be entered via magnetic stripe reader (swipe technology is used)
barcode Transaction data can be entered via barcode reader
qrcode Transaction data can be entered via QR code reader
ocr Transaction data can be entered via optical reader
icc Transaction data can be entered via EMV reader
contactless Transaction data can be entered via contactless payment technology
signature Transaction must be approved with the customer's signature
rfid Transaction data can be entered via RFID (radio frequency identification) reader
micr Transaction data can be entered via MICR (magnetic ink character recognition) reader
mpos Device can be used as mobile POS
Terminal Type   

POS Indicates that a POS terminal is used
AFP Indicates that an automated fuel pump terminal is used
Tokenization Account Type   

VC Visa credit card
VD Visa debit card
MC MasterCard credit card
MD MasterCard debit card
DC Discover credit card
DD Discover debit card
AC AmEx credit card
NC Diners credit card
BD Bank debit card
BC Checking account
BS Savings account
VP Visa prepaid card
VS Visa fleet card
MP MasterCard prepaid card
MF MasterCard fleet card
EF EBT food stamp
EC EBT cash benefit
GG General gift card
FL Fleet One card
GF Fuelman or FleetWide card
VF Voyager fleet card
WX WEX fleet card
VE Visa debit checking account
VV Visa debit saving account
UC UnionPay credit card
UD UnionPay debit card
Transaction Category Type   

B Bill payment
R Recurring
I Installment
H Healthcare
Transaction Industry Type   

DM Direct marketing
EC Ecommerce
PT Petroleum
RE Retail
RS Restaurant
LD Lodging
CCD Corporate credit or debit (direct debit only)
PPD Prearranged payment and deposit entry (direct debit only)
POP Point purchase entry (direct debit only)
TEL Telephone initiated entry (direct debit only)
WEB Internet initiated entry (direct debit only)
C21 Check 21 (direct debit only)
Transaction Mode Type   

P Indicates that a transaction is card-present and is initiated by a cardholder
N Indicates that a transaction is card-not-present and is initiated by a cardholder
S Indicates that a transaction is going to be stored as card-on-file and is initiated by a cardholder
O Indicates that a transaction is stored as card-on-file and is initiated by a merchant
Transaction Status Type   

N Indicates that the transaction is in pending status, i.e. is waiting for approval within a batch file
P Indicates that the transaction has been processed
C Indicates that the transaction has been cancelled
R Indicates that the transaction has been submitted for retry and is in rebill at the moment
Transaction Type   

all Indicates that transactions of all types are exported
sale Sale
refund Refund
void Void
decline Decline
auth Authorization
blacklist Blacklist
return Return
chargeback Chargeback
reversal Reversal
Visa Product Sub-Type   

AC Brazil Agriculture Maintenance Account (Custeio)
AE Brazil Agriculture Debit Account (Electron)
AG Brazil Agriculture
AI Brazil Agriculture Investment Loan (Investimento)
CG Brazil Cargo
CS Construction
DS Distribution
HC Healthcare
LP Visa Large-Purchase Advantage (VLPA)
MA Visa Mobile Agent
MB Interoperable Mobile Branchless Banking
MG Visa Mobile General
VA Brazil Food or Supermarket (Alimentacao Visa Vale)
VF Brazil Fuel (Flex Visa Vale)
VR Brazil Food or Restaurant (Refeicao Visa Vale)
Void Reason Code Type   

CI Indicates that a void has been initiated by a customer
TR Indicates that a void has been done due to a timeout
SM Indicates that a void has been done due to an error within the system
SF Indicates that a void has been done due to a suspected fraud attempt
PR Indicates that a void has been done due to a premature card removal
CD Indicates that a void has been done due to a payment card chip decline