UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Unibroker  
System   Unibill   Remittance   Notifications   Defaults   Services   QA  

Available Properties for iapp_settings:

Property Definitions for iapp_settings:

Added On:  02/19/24
Legacy Name:  Defaults Franchise Fee Tax Rate
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Default value for tax rate assigned to new Merchants with the specified owner. Used for prepayments when an invoice for an allocation does not yet exist.
Added On:  05/08/20
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Indicates whether sale-auth processing is supported by the gateway for debit cards.

Possible values:
  • true – sale-auth operation is supported by the debit network. In this case, sale-auth request submitted to the gateway is converted to the sale request and passed to the processor.
  • false – sale-auth operation is not supported by the debit network. In this case, when sale-auth request is submitted to the gateway, the following error is returned: “This request type is not supported”.
Added On:  08/08/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Indicates whether Notices of Change are included in the Transaction Export report which is available at two places:
- on the user interface,
- via the transaction-list API call in the reporting API.
Added On:  09/09/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Directory to which statements are uploaded if unicharge.statement-archiving.type is set to remote.
The value must be a remote directory path understood by the underlying FTP server.
Added On:  09/09/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( local )
A place to which merchant statements are uploaded if statement archiving is set to true for a corresponding merchant account.

Possible values:
  • local - statements are uploaded to the local application server into resources catalog
  • remote - statements are uploaded to an FTP server
Added On:  04/30/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Used to specify and store the user role, for which Two Factor Authentication will be applied.
Two Factor Authentication mechanism will be used for this user role and all roles that are higher.
For example:
The highest used portfolio role in the system is Por2. If you specify this role the authentication will be used for the Por2, Sys1 and Sys2 roles. If you specify Res2 role, - that is lower than Por2, - the authentication will be used for roles Res2, Por1, Por2 and so on till the highest role Sys2.

This mechanism works using a special application named Google Authenticator that generates code to access the system.
Added On:  03/05/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Identifier of a gateway instance in the global UniPay Gateway Cloud. Used in UniPay-to-UniPay integrations as a prefix that is added to the satellite ID of the object during the request processing on base-unipay server. This prefix is used to differenciate between satellite and base servers' ID.
Added On:  03/06/17
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
Host (URL) used to load logs from the log archive (ElasticSearch) via API. For example, https://elk-es.unitedthinkers.com
Added On:  03/06/17
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
Password used to access the log archive (ElasticSearch) via API.
Added On:  03/06/17
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
User name used to access the log archive (ElasticSearch) via API.
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.properties:debugLog
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( info )
Controls the level of logging used within the application.

Possible values:
  • info - minimal information about system's execution
  • debug - everything included in 'info' level plus execution times for internal processes
Added On:  01/31/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
The list of merchant codes for which debug logging is enabled.
Added On:  02/05/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Indicates whether sensitive information as passwords or credit card numbers are included in the realtime merchant log.

Please note that this option can only be used when a current user is watching the process and will destroy the log immediately after it is generated and reviewed.
Added On:  02/15/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Sets a number of hours that are going to be added or subtracted from the current server time when using the emulation mode.
The default value is "0" (the current server time is used). To add a certain number of hours, a positive value should be indicated; to subtract a certain number of hours, a negative value should be indicated.
Added On:  12/06/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 30 )
The maximum period of time when the reset password link is active. The allowed range of values is from 0 to 30 minutes.
Added On:  12/08/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( Local )
Type of the system cache.

Possible values:
  • Local - recommended when running in a standalone mode
  • Infinispan - recommended for a cluster mode
Added On:  04/16/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Host (URL) and port to access the curator, which is a centralized service for providing distributed synchronization.
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  debug-on
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Indicates whether debug mode is turned on. When set to true, the application will generate additional debug information that can be used to diagnose problems. debug mode is not recommended for production environments.
Added On:  03/16/12
Legacy Name:  account-number.encryption_allowed
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Controls whether internal encryption mechanism is allowed to be used for the credit card storage.

Setting the value to false will result in an error while attempting to save a credit card number or a bank account number under a Merchant record, which has no tokenization settings specified.
Disabling encryption is only recommended when usage of tokenization must be enforced on all Merchants maintained within the system. It is not recommended to disable encryption in development environment.
Added On:  04/11/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
List of free public email service domains, that are prohibited for being used in the part of the System where a business email is required. Use semicolon as a separator.
For example: @gmail.com; @hotmail.com; @yahoo.com.
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  atlas.gzip-on
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Controls whether compression is used when data streams are handled by the application.

Enabling stream compression reduces the load on RAM, but increases processing time. The property is false by default and should only be enabled when the amount of RAM on the application server is not sufficient to handle character or binary streams (interchange files) that the application has to handle.
Added On:  01/12/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Host (URL) to access documentation via API. For example, https://unidoc.unitedthinkers.com.
Added On:  08/23/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Time period (in days) before the expiration date, during which human user receives notifications about password expiration. It is required to change the current account's password within this time period.
Added On:  04/13/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 90 )
Time period (in days) after the date when a human user's password has been changed, during which the password remains valid. After the time period ends, the user is required to change the current account's password.
Added On:  02/25/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.jms_broker.url
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Host (URL) to communicate with JMS broker (ActiveMQ) responsible for orchestration of the internal services.
Added On:  02/10/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Protocol to be used for console broker host.

Possible values:
  • HTTP
Added On:  08/29/19
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 5000 )
Maximum number of values ​​that will be returned in response to a Reporting API request.
Added On:  03/06/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( code )
Mode of authentication that is to be used when a connection is attempted using API on behalf of a merchant.

Possible values:
  • code - Merchant Code is used as the user name
  • refCode - Merchant's Reference Code is used as the user name

In some instances, it might be easier for an integrator to use some value other than Merchant Code to authenticate into the system. For such cases, this value can be saved into the Reference Code field of the Merchant object and refCode authentication mode can be used instead of the default mode.
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.properties:canChangeMerchant
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Indicates whether combobox for Merchant selection located on top of the screen is enabled. When set to false, users will be unable to change active merchant (even if multiple merchants are defined in the application) and will be limited in access to the default merchant assigned to them.

This setting is only useful on servers configured for use by a single multi-account merchant.
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  application.modules
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( A )
A configuration key consisting of 1-7 letters, indicating which modules of the UniPay suite are deployed to the server. You should set on the user interface the values corresponding to the specified property values. The letters comprising the key can be used in any order. The absence of a letter in the property indicates the absence of the corresponding module.
Possible values:
  • A - UniCharge
  • B - UniBill
  • P - UniBill Customer Portal
  • I - API
  • D - Detokenization
  • H - UniCharge-proxy
  • E - UniRead (Cloud)
  • L - Console
  • Q - QA_UTILS

The value in the file controls application assembly process. You can verify whether all modules are installed with the checkModules pingdom check. In case there are letters in the settings on the user interface identifying the module which
was not installed, pingdom check will result in the following error: MODULE_PROBLEM.
Added On:  10/10/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Contains the ID that is going to be used for the next merchant created/onboarded within the system. When the merchant is being onboarded, the system automatically derives the ID value from the property and assigns it to the merchant, adding 1 to the ID (for example, the next reserved ID is 2001. When a merchant is created, it's ID is 2002). In case when the merchant's creation has not been completed, the reserved value is not used for merchant creation/onboarding anymore.
Added On:  12/07/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( VMXDN---A----S )
List of payment methods enabled on Gateway`s user interface.

Possible values:
  • Visa - V
  • MasterCard - M
  • AmEx – X
  • Discover - D
  • Diners - N
  • Gift Card - G
  • Fleet Card - F
  • Bank Card - B
  • Bank Accounts - A
  • UnionPay - U
  • PayPal - P
  • ApplePay - L
  • GooglePay - O
  • MADA - S
Added On:  07/08/19
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Defines how purging data from the database is carried out.

Possible values:
  • true - purging process stops once the current iteration is complete;
  • false - purging process continues automatically after the end of the iteration.
Added On:  12/05/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( TT )
Indicates whether only tokenized or both tokenized and non-tokenized bank account numbers are allowed for processing.

The values can be the following:
TT - only tokenized bank account numbers are allowed for processing via the gateway. TR - both tokenized and non-tokenized bank account numbers are allowed for processing via the gateway.
Added On:  04/12/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Host (URL) to access report generation service. For example, https://portal.unipay.com/reports/ReportBuilder.
Added On:  04/07/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Indicates whether the security image mechanism is enabled in the system.
Added On:  08/23/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Time period (in days) before the expiration date, during which service user receives notifications about password expiration. It is required to change the current account's password within this time period.
Added On:  08/23/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 90 )
Time period (in days) after the date when a service user's password has been changed, during which the password remains valid. After the time period ends, user's account gets blocked.
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.sql.batch-size
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( 1000 )
Maximum batch size to be used on SQL batch inserts.

The larger the batch size, the more data rows will get sent to the server in a single batch. Very large batch sizes may cause performance issues and transaction deadlocks.

Batch inserts are used in business logic that handles large groups of records.
Added On:  02/22/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.query.in-statement
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 1000 )
Maximum number of values that be in included within SQL IN statement.

For example:
SELECT * FROM customer_account WHERE Id IN (2992, 3346, 8765, 9983)

The parameters affects a small number of SQL statements used in batch processing business logic. The larger the number, the more values can be processed in a single SQL statement, but he heavier the actual statement becomes.
Added On:  06/23/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Shows the version of SQL used in the application.
Added On:  01/11/20
Legacy Name:  temporary-password-expiration-period-hpp
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 15 )
The maximum period of time when the HPP temporary password is being active. The allowed range of values is from 0 to 30 minutes.
Added On:  01/11/20
Legacy Name:  temporary-password-expiration-period-onboarding
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 20 )
The maximum period of time when the onboarding temporary password is being active. The allowed range of values is from 0 to 45 minutes.
Added On:  01/11/20
Legacy Name:  iapp.temporary-password-expiration-period-processing
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 10 )
The maximum period of time when the processing API temporary password is being active. The allowed range of values is from 0 to 15 minutes.
Added On:  01/06/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( 15 )
Value specifies the expiration period of the terminal activation code (in minutes).
Added On:  01/06/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( 5 )
Value specifies the maximum number of attempts to activate the terminal (via sms).
Added On:  03/15/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Encrypted  
Password on the keystore with trusted SSL certificates. The file is called unipay.truststore and is located in resources directory.
Added On:  01/10/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( 5 )
The number of failed login attempts after which a user's account gets deactivated.
Added On:  12/08/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Password for the TrustStore system (unipay.truststore).
Added On:  09/11/13
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
Password on the keystore with client's certificates. The keystore file is called unipay.userststore and is located in resources directory.
Added On:  02/15/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Date when the last verification session occurred on a production portal.
Additionally, the property allows to verify a proper execution of database update operation through MySQL WorkBench.
Added On:  03/02/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.properties:xssValidation
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( true )
Indicates whether XSS validation is turned on. When set to true, all content submissions will be scanned for XSS injections. Since validation introduces additional processing overhead, it can be disabled in development environments.
Added On:  05/03/18
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Temporary flag controlling whether usernames of service users must be preceded by api- or tms- prefix to access terminal API.
Possible values:
  • true - only users with usernames preceded by either api- or tms- prefix can be authorized
  • false - all users with valid usernames can be authorized
Added On:  10/25/23
Legacy Name:  
Group:  System
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( Old )
Defines the primary type of remittance used on the server.

Possible values:

  • If the value 'Old' is specified, new merchants will operate under the old remittance system. In the New Merchant (Extended) forms and the Onboarding Application Wizard, the Remittance Type field will automatically be set to 'Old' as the default option. Additionally, in the Pricing Policy field, only old templates will be available for selection.
  • If the value 'New' is specified, new merchants will operate under the new remittance system. Similarly, this selection affects the New Merchant (Extended) forms and the Onboarding Application Wizard, where 'New' will appear as the default value in the Remittance Type field, and only new templates will be displayed in the Pricing Policy field.
  • If no remittance type is specified, the system defaults to the new remittance for new merchants. In this scenario, the Remittance Type field will be omitted from both the New Merchant (Extended) forms and the Onboarding Application Wizard.