UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Unibroker  
System   Unibill   Remittance   Notifications   Defaults   Services   QA  

Available Properties for iapp_settings:

Property Definitions for iapp_settings:

Added On:  02/24/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-folder
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Local or remote directory, from which BIN files are to be loaded.

When local directory is used, the value of the property must be an absolute path to the directory.

When remote directory is used, the value must be a remote directory path understood by the underlying FTP server.
Added On:  08/08/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( default )
Name of the component used to download BIN file from the provider's FTP. In some cases, custom component is required to accommodate specific behaviour or configuration of the remote FTP server.

By default, Camel component that connects to the FTP server, expects FTP server to have a root folder and a subfolder that will be used for file exchange. For those cases when FTP server is configured not to allow open those folders subsequently, a custom component is required.

Possible values:
  • default - camel is used
  • custom - custom UniPay logic is used
Added On:  02/23/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-host
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
When remote connectivity is required, FTP host location, from which BIN files should be loaded
Added On:  02/22/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.last-update-date
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Date when credit card BINs were last imported from a Provider last time.
For internal use only.
Added On:  08/08/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( none )
Action that has to take place after BIN database is downloaded.

Possible values:
  • none - no action will be taken
  • delete - file that has been downloaded will be removed from the source FTP
Added On:  02/24/12
Legacy Name:  unipay.bin-db.pass-phrase; iapp.bin.ftp-ssh_pass_phrase
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), pass phrase on the private key, used to authenticate with the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded.
Added On:  02/24/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-password
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
When remote connectivity is required (FTP and FTPs), password of the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded
Added On:  02/23/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-port
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
When remote connectivity is required, port for the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded.
Added On:  02/24/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-ssh_private_key
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), private key used to authenticate with the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in unipay.resources-home/ssh
Added On:  02/23/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-type
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( file )
Type of connectivity required to load files into BIN database.

Possible values:
  • file - BIN file is loaded from a local folder
  • ftp - BIN file is loaded from a remote location over FTP protocol
  • ftps - BIN file is loaded from a remote location over FTPs protocol
  • sftp - BIN file is loaded from a remote location over sFTP protocol
Added On:  02/24/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.bin.ftp-username
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
When remote connectivity is required, username of the FTP server, from which BIN files should be loaded
Added On:  06/05/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Default base derivation key to be used to decrypt track data when encrypted MSRs are used.
Added On:  06/05/14
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Type of storage for the encryption key.

Possible values:
  • encrypted – base derivation key is stored in unipay.data-encryption.bdk (see unipay.data-encryption.bdk) with using encryption
  • tokenized – base derivation is stored with tokenization provider and this property contains the token that corresponds that key
Added On:  07/05/20
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( null )
Indicates whether Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header is returned in proxynization API response and defines how the HPP resources are uploaded while processing proxynization API calls for HPP.
Possible values:
  • null - Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header is not generated
  • [*] - start symbol is returned in Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header, which means that HPP resources upload and processing is allowed from any third-party domain
  • [domain] - a name of a specific domain is set in property and returned in Access-Control-Allow-Origin HTTP header, which means that HPP resources upload and processing is allowed only from the specified domain
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Default ( /home/jenkins/unipay/resources )
Absolute path (or relative to unipay:app-home) to the resources directory that is to be used by the application.

Resources directory contains ssh and pgp keys as well as other artifacts needed by the application.
Added On:  02/22/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.routing-number.url
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Host (URL) to load routing numbers from the internal routing number database. For example, https://download.unitedthinkers.com/EPaymentsDirectory.
Added On:  02/21/12
Legacy Name:  iapp.last-routing_number-update-date
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Date when routing numbers were last imported from the federal reserve's database.

For internal use only.
Added On:  03/14/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required   Encrypted  
Password for Basic Auth authorization on the server. Used to update routing number information.
Added On:  03/14/16
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Resources
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Required  
User name for Basic Auth authorization on the server. Used to update routing number information.