UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Encryption/Decryption  
Keystore   Debug   Unibroker   System  

Available Properties for unibroker.properties:

Property Definitions for unibroker.properties:

Added On:  04/06/12
Legacy Name:  proxy.properties:isDebug
Group:  Debug
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Indicates whether debug mode is turned on for UniBroker. When set to true, the application will generate additional debug information that can be used to diagnose problems. debug mode is not recommended for production environments.
Added On:  06/03/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Debug
Status:  Active
Encrypted passphrase used by UniBroker for debug log. If field is empty, debug log isn't recorded.
Added On:  12/19/13
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Debug
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Default ( false )
Indicates whether proxy emulator for UniBroker is turned on.

Possible types:
  • true - test card numbers are replaced with tokens that were already created on UniBroker, i.e. without connecting to a tokenization service
  • false - test card numbers are replaced with tokens that are created in real-time using a particular tokenization service

Note: When working with proxy profiles with UniBroker enabled, unibroker.proxy-enabled must be set to true. For integration testing, the property must be set to false.