UniPay Properties Definition

Property Location Types:

Database run-time property used by the application and stored within a database
Filerun-time property used by the application and stored within a file
Buildbuild-time property used by the application and stored within a file

Groups: All   General   Resources   Tokenization   FTP   FTP Gates   Encryption/Decryption  
Keystore   Debug   Unibroker   System  

Available Properties for unibroker.properties:

Property Definitions for unibroker.properties:

Added On:  07/11/13
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
When remote connectivity is required (sFTP), passphrase on the private key used to authenticate with UniBroker, from which files should be loaded to FTP Gates.
Added On:  07/11/13
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Private key for PGP encryption used by UniBroker to decrypt temporary files produced during tokenization process of the request files from invault folder.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in ${unibroker}/resources/pgp

Public and private keys used by UniBroker must belong to different key pairs
Added On:  07/11/13
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Public key for PGP encryption used by UniBroker to encrypt temporary files produced during tokenization process of the request files from invault folder.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the public key. The file must be located in ${unibroker}/resources/pgp

Public and private keys used by UniBroker must belong to different key pairs
Added On:  02/13/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted   Default ( encrypted with separator )
When storage type is encrypted, default base derivation key is to be used to decrypt track data, when encrypted - MSRs are used.
When storage type is tokenized, decryption key represents token within StrongAuth where base derivation key is to be used to decrypt track data, when encrypted - MSRs are used.
Added On:  02/13/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Type of storage for the encryption key. Two options possible are:

1. encrypted – base derivation key is stored in unibroker.data-encryption.bdk ( see unibroker.data-encryption.bdk) with using encryption (deprecated). 2. tokenized – base derivation is stored with tokenization provider and this property contains the token that corresponds that key.
Added On:  07/19/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
Passphrase on the private key used for PGP decryption of all messages coming from UniBroker to UniPay.
Added On:  07/18/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Private key for PGP encryption used by UniBroker to decrypt all incoming content from UniPay.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the private key. The file must be located in unibroker.home/pgp
Public and private keys used by UniBroker must belong to different key pairs
Added On:  07/19/12
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Public key for PGP encryption used by UniBroker to encrypt all outgoing content to UniPay.

The value of the property is the name of the file that contains the public key. The file must be located in unibroker.home/pgp
Public and private keys used by UniBroker must belong to different key pairs
Added On:  04/08/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
Secret password phrase for the primary PGP private key.
Added On:  04/08/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Primary PGP private key used for decryption of batch files that were encrypted by primary PGP public key.
The file must be located in ${unibroker}/resources/pgp
Added On:  04/08/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Attributes:   Encrypted  
Secret password phrase for the secondary PGP private key.
Added On:  04/08/15
Legacy Name:  
Group:  Encryption/Decryption
Status:  Active
Secondary PGP private key used for decryption of batch files that were encrypted by secondary PGP public key.
The file must be located in ${unibroker}/resources/pgp