021 |
Good |
Enhanced OD/XY |
A01 |
000 |
Good |
Not located |
A01 |
704 |
Good |
Low probability of return |
A01 |
099 |
Good |
Present |
A01 |
007 |
Good |
Stop payment- range serial match |
A01 |
899 |
Good |
Open valid |
A01 |
060 |
Good |
No negative info found |
A01 |
055 |
Good |
Official item |
A01 |
107 |
Good |
Stop payment- range serial match |
A01 |
081 |
Good |
Participant line of credit check |
A01 |
430 |
Good |
High probability of return |
A01 |
701 |
Good |
Low probability of return |
A01 |
084 |
Good |
Participant broker check |
A01 |
020 |
Good |
Enhanced OD/XY |
A01 |
699 |
Good |
Low Probability of Return |
A01 |
703 |
Good |
Low probability of return |
A01 |
098 |
Good |
Non-DDA |
A01 |
006 |
Good |
Stop payment- individual serial match |
A01 |
897 |
Good |
Unscorable No Info ? No information is known about this account |
A01 |
022 |
Good |
Enhanced OD/XY |
A01 |
U |
Good |
No data is available in the National Shared Database record to match this value. |
A01 |
106 |
Good |
Stop payment- individual serial match |
A01 |
430-499 |
Good |
High probability of return |
A01 |
080 |
Good |
Credit card check |
A01 |
092 |
Good |
Non-bank item pass |
A01 |
199 |
Good |
Savings present |
A01 |
082 |
Good |
Participant home equity check |
A01 |
Y |
Good |
The value submitted closely or exactly matches information in the National Shared Database record. |
A01 |
015 |
Good |
Return item |
A01 |
702 |
Good |
Low probability of return |
A01 |
096 |
Good |
No known information |
A01 |
311 |
Check mutilated |
X05 |
090 |
Non-bank item high risk |
X05 |
114 |
Savings pending closed |
X05 |
320 |
Signature |
X05 |
717 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
013 |
Closed purged |
X05 |
332 |
Image fails security check |
X05 |
301 |
Not on-us item |
X05 |
313 |
Deceased |
X05 |
710 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
705 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
719 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
102 |
Savings closed for cause |
X05 |
306 |
Endorsement missing |
X05 |
398 |
Unmatched |
X05 |
303 |
Insufficient funds |
X05 |
315 |
Counterfeit |
X05 |
712 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
707 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
720-799 |
High Probability of Return |
X05 |
205 |
Duplicate suspect cleared |
X05 |
110 |
Savings post no debits |
X05 |
308 |
Signature missing |
X05 |
709 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
325 |
Other |
X05 |
317 |
Forged endorsement |
X05 |
714 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
003 |
Closed for cause purged |
X05 |
N |
The value submitted does not match information in the National Shared Database record. |
X05 |
113 |
Savings closed purged |
X05 |
310 |
Check altered |
X05 |
716 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
012 |
Closed |
X05 |
331 |
Not authorized |
X05 |
319 |
Funds held |
X05 |
300 |
Unable to locate |
X05 |
312 |
Dormant account |
X05 |
091 |
Non-bank item inconclusive |
X05 |
321 |
Endorsement |
X05 |
718 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
014 |
Pending closed |
X05 |
305 |
Uncollected funds |
X05 |
333 |
Duplicate presentment |
X05 |
302 |
Refer to maker |
X05 |
314 |
Account closed |
X05 |
711 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
706 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
031 |
Overdrawn New Account |
X05 |
202 |
Suspect high focus item |
X05 |
103 |
Savings closed for cause purged |
X05 |
307 |
Signature irregular |
X05 |
708 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
304 |
Payment stopped |
X05 |
316 |
Forged maker signature |
X05 |
713 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
002 |
Closed for cause |
X05 |
876 |
Un-scoreable High Risk |
X05 |
206 |
Duplicate suspect intraday presentment |
X05 |
112 |
Savings closed |
X05 |
309 |
Two signatures required |
X05 |
330 |
Unreadable image |
X05 |
318 |
Post no debits |
X05 |
715 |
Moderate probability of return |
X05 |
010 |
Post no debits |
X05 |