R |
Retry: System unavailable or timed out |
00 |
G |
Address information not verified for international transactions |
40 |
U |
Address not verified for domestic transaction. Issuer is not an AVS participant, or AVS datawas present in the request but issuer did not return an AVS result, or Visa performs AVS on behalf of the issuer and there was no address record on file for this a |
40 |
I |
Address information not verified. (International transaction) |
40 |
N |
No match |
45 |
C |
Street address and postal code not verified due to incompatible format |
45 |
P |
Postal code match. Street address not verified due to incompatible formats |
47 |
Z |
Postal/ZIP matches; street address does not match or street not included in request |
47 |
B |
Street address match. Postal code not verified due to incompatible formats |
4D |
A |
Address matches, ZIP does not |
4D |
M |
Street address and postal code match. (International transaction) |
4F |
Y |
Street address and postal code match |
4F |
D |
Street address and postal codes match. (International transaction) |
4F |
R |
Retry: System unable to process |
00 |
U |
No data from issuer/authorization system |
40 |
N |
Neither address nor postal code matches |
45 |
Z |
For U.S. addresses, five-digit postal code matches, address does not |
46 |
W |
For U.S. addresses, nine-digit postal code matches, address does not; for address outside the U.S., postal code matches, address does not |
47 |
A |
Address matches, postal code does not |
4D |
Y |
For U.S. addresses, five-digit postal code and address matches |
4E |
X |
For U.S. addresses, nine-digit postal code and address match; for address outside the U.S., postal code and address match |
4F |
S |
AVS currently not supported |
80 |
R |
Retry |
00 |
U |
Data unchecked |
40 |
N |
No, data does not match |
45 |
Y |
Yes, data matches |
4F |
S |
Service not allowed |
80 |
U |
Retry, system unable to process |
00 |
W |
No data from issuer/authorization system |
40 |
G |
Address information not verified for international transactions |
40 |
N |
Nothing matches |
45 |
Z |
Five-digit Postal Code matches, address does not |
46 |
T |
Nine-digit Postal Code matches, address does not |
47 |
Y |
Address matches; Postal Code does not |
4D |
A |
Address matches, Five digit Postal Code matches |
4E |
X |
Address matches; nine-digit Postal Code matches |
4F |
S |
AVS not supported at this time |
80 |