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Paymentech  Chargeback Disputing Response Codes:

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AVS Responses   
Code Message UniPay Code
UK Unknown 00
blank Not applicable (non-Visa) 00
3 AVS not performed 00
6 System unavailable or time-out 00
1 No address supplied 00
7 Address information unavailable 40
N6 Address not verified (International only) 40
N7 ZIP matches, address not verified 43
2 Bill-to address did not pass Auth Host edit checks 44
JC International street address and postal code not verified. 45
G No match at all 45
5 Edit-error - AVS data is invalid 45
N4 Address and ZIP code not verified due to incompatible formats 45
E Zip No Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale no match 46
C Zip Match/Zip 4 no Match/Locale no match 46
A Zip Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale no match 47
JD International postal code match. Street address not verified. 47
Z Zip Match/Locale no match 47
F Zip No Match/Zip 4 No Match/Locale match 4D
N3 Address matches, ZIP not verified. 4D
JB International street address match. Postal code not verified. 4D
D Zip No Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale match 4E
B Zip Match/Zip 4 no Match/Locale match 4E
N8 Address and ZIP code match (International only) 4F
N9 Address and ZIP code match (UK only) 4F
JA International street address and postal match 4F
X Zip Match/Zip 4 Match/Address Match 4F
H Zip Match/Locale match 4F
N5 Address and ZIP code match (International only) 4F
9 Zip Match/Zip 4 Match/Locale match 4F
M8 Cardholder name, billing address and postal code are all incorrect 55
M7 Cardholder name incorrect, billing address matches 5C
M6 Cardholder name incorrect, billing address matches 5C
M5 Cardholder name incorrect, billing address and postal code match 5F
M1 Cardholder name matches 70
M3 Cardholder name and billing code matches 73
M4 Cardholder name and billing address match 7C
M2 Cardholder name, billing address, and postal code matches 7F
4 Issuer does not participate in AVS 80
J Issuer does not participate in Global AVS 80
8 Transaction Ineligible for AVS (лишена права получения AVS) 80
R Issuer does not participate in AVS 80

CSC Responses   
Code Message UniPay Code
M CVV Match M
N CVV No Match N
P Not Processed P
S Should Have Been Present S
U Unsupported by issuer/Issuer unable to process request U
I Invalid X
blank Not applicable (non-Visa) X