R |
Retry: System Unavailable; retry |
00 |
U |
Address Info is Unavailable |
40 |
C |
Visa Only. Street & postal code not verified for international transaction |
40 |
I |
Visa Only. Address information not verified for international transaction |
40 |
G |
Visa only. Non-AVS participant outside the U.S.; address not verified for international transaction. |
40 |
N |
No: Neither address nor postal code matches |
45 |
Z |
Zip: 5-digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match for US address |
46 |
W |
Whole Zip: 9-digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match; |
47 |
P |
Visa Only. Postal codes match for international transaction; street address not verified |
47 |
B |
Visa Only. Street addresses match for international transaction; postal code not verified |
4D |
A |
Address: Address Matches ZIP Does Not Match |
4D |
Y |
Yes: Address and 5-digit ZIP Match for US address |
4E |
M |
Visa Only. Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction |
4F |
F |
Visa Only. Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction (UK only) |
4F |
X |
Exact: Address and 9-digit ZIP Match; |
4F |
D |
Visa Only. Street addresses and postal codes match for international transaction |
4F |
S |
Service Not Supported: Issuer does not support address verification |
80 |
R |
System Unavailable ; Retry |
00 |
U |
Address Information Is Unavailable |
40 |
N |
Address and ZIP Do Not Match |
45 |
Z |
9 or 5 digit ZIP Matches, Address Does Not Match |
47 |
A |
Address Matches ZIP Does Not Match |
4D |
Y |
Address and ZIP Match |
4F |
D |
Cardmember Name incorrect, Billing Postal Code matches |
53 |
W |
No, Cardmember Name, Billing Address and Postal Code are all incorrect |
55 |
F |
Cardmember Name incorrect, Billing Address matches |
5C |
E |
Cardmember Name incorrect, Billing Address and Postal Code match |
5F |
K |
Cardmember Name matches. |
70 |
L |
Cardmember Name and Billing Postal Code match. |
73 |
O |
Cardmember Name and Billing Address match. |
7C |
M |
Cardmember Name, Billing Address and Postal Code match. |
7F |
S |
Issuer Does Not Support Address Verification |
80 |
U |
Retry, system unable to process |
00 |
W |
No data from Issuer/Authorization system |
40 |
G |
Address information not verified for international transaction |
40 |
N |
Nothing matches |
45 |
Z |
5-digit Zip matches, address does not |
46 |
T |
Nine - digit ZIP Code matches, address does not |
47 |
Y |
Address matches, ZIP Code does not |
4D |
A |
Address matches, five-digit ZIP Code matches |
4E |
X |
Address matches, nine-digit Postal Code matches |
4F |
S |
AVS not supported at this time |
80 |