
Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to Chargebacks management and modification options.

Chargeback Case Search

Includes search criteria to locate chargebacks within the system.
Executes search based on predefined criteria.
Clears any selected criteria - resets the form to its original state.
Allows to export information about found chargebacks from the system.
Case Code
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by particular case code.
Card # (Last4)
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by last 4 digits of the card provided.
Assigned To
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by the user who is currently responsible for the case.
Customer Code
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by particular customer code.
Card Type
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by particular card type.
Search criteria to locate сhargebacks by current cycle that indicates the phase of chargeback case within its lifestyle.
Retrieval Request
Indicates the only opportunity for the client to resolve the issue before funds are removed from the account.
Indicates request by an issuing bank or cardholder to remove a charge from the cardholder’s account and to recoup the funds.
Indicates that a merchant chooses to dispute a chargeback, the transaction is sent back to the credit card issuer to reverse the chargeback.
Pre-Arbitration Chargeback
If the issuer (merchant) does not agree with the merchant representment or the representment decision rendered by processor, the issuer (merchant) can initiate a pre-arbitration inquiry.
Indicates that credit card issuer has rejected the merchant’s representment or dispute and is filling a second chargeback in an effort to continue the dispute and recapture the associated money.
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by current queue that indicates the party responsible for the next action of the case.
Indicates that issue is selected as a search criteria.

Any Discover, MasterCard, American Express or Visa member, or a commercial organization that establishes and maintains customer credit lines accessed through the use of a card.
Indicates that merchant is selected as a search criteria.

Merchant is responsible for the case and the next action.
Indicates that network is selected as a search criteria.

Issuing bank is responsible for the case and the next action.
Indicates that processor is selected as a search criteria.

Processor/acquirer is responsible for the case and the next action.
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by current status of the case within the cycle.
Indicates that the party responsible for the case assumed liability for it.
Indicates that chargeback has no status yet.
Indicates the temporary state due to processor generated error.
Indicates that the case awaits transition to the next cycle.
Indicates that the party responsible for the case(queue) has not taken any action yet.
Indicates that the reversal for the case has been received and accepted.
Create Date
Search criteria to locate chargebacks within the certain date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
Reply By Date
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by particular reply date.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
Last Update Date
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by particular last update date.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
Original Transaction
Search criteria to locate chargebacks by the original transaction.

Chargeback Case List

Includes the list of chargebacks located based on the search criteria specified.
Case Code
A unique chargeback ID.
References: Chargeback Case.Case Code
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Chargeback Case.Merchant Account Code
Customer Code
Identifier of the customer that chargeback is associated with.
References: Chargeback Case.Customer Account Code
Card Type
Represents the type of the card or alternate payment type used in the chargeback.
References: Chargeback Case.Bank Card CL
Represents current point in the overall chargeback life-cycle in which the chargeback currently resides.
References: Chargeback Case.Cycle CL
Represents the queue in which the chargeback currently resides.
References: Chargeback Case.Current Queue CL
Current state of the chargeback.
References: Chargeback Case.Status CL
Card # (Last4)
Last 4 digits of the card provided.
References: Chargeback Case.Card Number Last4
Reason Code
A code provided to the merchant by the card issuing bank that indicates the reason for the chargebacked transaction.
References: Chargeback Case.Response Code
Reply By
The date prior to which the response has to be given.
References: Chargeback Case.Reply By Date
Last Update
The date of the last update.
References: Chargeback Case.Last Update Date
Assigned To
User who is currently responsible for the case.
Transaction amount that was charged back.
References: Chargeback Case.Chargeback Amount
Modify Chargeback Case
Allows to perform changes to the selected chargeback. Opens Form: Chargeback Case Modify