Select Merchants (Modify Selection)

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to Merchant Selection modification options. Selecting "Multiple" can be done for convenience when similar operations need to be performed on certain set of Merchants and at the same time it can be used to search for specific transactions or chargebacks across the entire selection.

Merchant Search

Includes various merchant's search options.
Executes search based on predefined criteria.
Clears any selected criteria - resets the form to its original state.
Search criteria to locate merchants with a specific name by entering either full or partial name.
Search criteria to locate merchants by the merchant code.
Create Date
Search criteria to locate merchants created within the specified date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
Search criteria to locate merchants by the identification number.
Search Merchants Only
Indicates that only merchants are to be searched.
Search criteria to locate merchants by the associated reseller.
Search criteria to locate merchants by the associated remittance sources are used, several remitter accounts have to be configured: for payment card, direct debit, American Express and commissions transactions. " >remitter.
Search criteria to locate merchants by a particular status.
Default value.
Indicates only those merchants that are active in the system.
Indicates only those merchants that are not active in the system.
Search criteria to locate merchant accounts by a particular status.
Default value.
Indicates only those merchant accounts that are active in the system.
Indicates only those merchant accounts that are not active in the system.

Available (use Shift key for range selection)

Includes the list of available merchants found based on the search criteria specified.
Add >
Allows to add merchant to the existing merchant selection.
< Remove
Allows to remove merchant from the existing merchant selection.
Add All >>
Allows to add all merchants/accounts from the available section into selected merchants section.
<< Remove All
Allows to remove all merchants/accounts from selected merchants section.

Selected Merchants

Includes the list of merchants selected.
Sort By
Allows to sort the list by predifined criteria.
Three criteria are allowed:

  • ID
  • Code
  • Name
Ignore Accounts
Allows to ignore all the merchant accounts found.
Confirms current Merchant Selection and closes the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes to the Merchant Selection.