Zip and Country Codes
Reference Materials
New Sale (Card)
Description: Provides access to sale creation options.
Allows to select a credit card that will be used for this transaction. |
Saves all changes on the form. |
Closes the form without saving any changes. |
Detail |
Includes general information about new sale within the system.
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Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to.
Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Provider Account.Merchant Account Code
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Holder Name
Name of a payment card or bank account holder. The value is a concatenation of the firstName and lastName field values separated by a space.
Full name of the holder of the account from which merchant fees are deducted.
References: MerchantChargeInfo.holderName
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Payment Card #/Track Data/Encrypt...
Depending on the value which can be entered there are three modes depending on a user's permissions:
Payment card number - user is allowed to enter such sensitive information as raw credit card or bank account number;
Track data - user is allowed to enter such sensitive information as track data;
Encrypted track data - user is not allowed to enter such sensitive information as track data and raw credit card or bank account number; only encrypted card data is allowed to enter. |
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Token that replaces account number for security purposes.
When Tokenization is enabled, each account number is replaced with a token value for persistence. Token code is automatically replaced with a real account number right before the data is sent to a Provider.
The token is stored in its internal representation (value returned by an encryption appliance). When token is returned to a client/submitter, account type and last four digits are added to it.
References: Charge Transaction.Token Code
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Exp Date
When transaction is associated with a credit card, the field contains card's expiration date.
When transaction is associated with a bank account, the field contains account's routing number.
References: Charge Transaction.Account Accessory
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CVV2 of the card that is used in the transaction.
Note: the field is transient and is not present in the database
References: Retail Transaction.Cvv2
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Transaction Type
Type of transaction to be submitted. |
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Indicates that sale transaction is going to be submitted. |
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Indicates that sale-auth transaction is going to be submitted. |
Total amount of the transaction.
When partial authorizations are done, amount represents required amount, which may or may not be available.
References: Transaction.Amount
Tax Amount
Amount of tax charged as part of this transaction. The value is included in the total transaction Amount.
References: Charge Transaction.Tax Amount
Fee Amount
Processing fee amount that should be charged to Merchant for processing of this transaction. Process fee amount is included in the total transaction Amount.
References: Charge Transaction.Fee Amount
Approval Code
Authorization code returned by a Provider that approved this transaction.
In some instances might also be used to store response code returned by Provider when transaction declines.
References: Charge Transaction.Approval Code
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Includes values from the transaction submitter's system.
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Item Code
Value from the transaction submitter's system.
It is used to assign submitter's specific merchandise code (SKEW#, Bar Code, etc) to the transaction, to identify in the future the reason why this transaction was processed.
Usually, the value will contain a reference to a catalog item for which the payment is collected and is, therefore, only applicable in cases when a payment is collected for a single item.
References: Charge Transaction.Item Code
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Transaction Code
Value from the transaction submitter's system.
It is used to assign submitter's specific transaction id to the transaction, to cross reference this transaction between two systems.
Usually, the value will contain a reference to an entity representing this transaction in submitter's front-end system.
References: Charge Transaction.Transaction Code
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Customer Code
Value from the transaction submitter's system.
It is used to assign submitter's specific customer (owner) code to the transaction, to identify in the future the ownership of the transaction and to be able to cross reference the value between two systems.
Usually, the value will contain a reference to an record representing an owner of the transaction in the submitter's front-end system.
References: Charge Transaction.Customer Account Code
Billing Address |
Includes information about billing address.
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Street of the billing address.
Both Street 1 line and Street 2 line are combined in this field.
References: Charge Transaction.Street
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City of the billing address.
References: Charge Transaction.City
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Country of the billing address. |
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State of the billing address.
References: Charge Transaction.State
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ZIP Code
ZIP/Postal code of the billing address.
References: Charge Transaction.ZIP Code
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Billing phone or contact phone of the account holder.
References: Charge Transaction.Phone
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Contact email of the account holder.
References: Charge Transaction.Email
Shipping Address |
Includes information about shipping address.
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Same as Billing
Copies all the address information from billing form. |
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First name of the person in the shipping address associated with the order/transaction
References: Charge Transaction.Shipping First Name
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Street of the shipping address associated with the order/transaction
References: Charge Transaction.Shipping Street
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City of the shipping address associated with the order/transaction
References: Charge Transaction.Shipping City
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Country of the shipping address. |
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State of the shipping address associated with the order/transaction
References: Charge Transaction.Shipping State
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ZIP Code
ZIP code of the shipping address associated with the order/transaction.
References: Charge Transaction.Shipping ZIP Code
Memo |
Includes description of the transaction, might be coming from the submitter's system or assigned internally.
Descriptor |
Includes information assosiated with underlying merchant (ID number or any additional information about the merchant, specified for each transaction processing).
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Value, used when transaction is processed through PSP or an aggregator. |
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Merchant Name
Name of the merchant. |
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Item Description
Any additional information about the item. |