Zip and Country Codes
Reference Materials
Description: Provides access to business information about the merchant.
Synchronize with external sources
Indicates whether business information is synchronized with external sources or not. |
Saves all changes on the form. |
Closes the form without saving any changes. |
Business Information |
Includes information concerning Merchant's business activity, e.g. legal name, types of tax ID, ownership structure etc.
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Legal Name
The legal name of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.legalName
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Business Name (DBA)
DBA ("doing business as") name of the merchant. The value of this field is automatically copied to Name field on General form. |
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Ownership Structure
Enumeration of possible ownership types of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.ownershipStructureType
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Business Registration Year
The year when the merchant's business was established.
References: BusinessInfo.registrationYear
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Business Registration Country
The country where the merchant's business was established.
References: BusinessInfo.registrationCountryCode
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Business Registration State
Allows to select an appropriate state of the registration of the business.
The state where the merchant's business was established.
References: BusinessInfo.registrationState
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Federal Tax ID
Federal Tax identifier of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.federalTaxId
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State Tax ID
State Tax identifier of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.stateTaxId
¦_ |
Sales Tax ID
Sale Tax identifier of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.salesTaxId
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Estimation Period
Enumeration of possible time periods for which transaction volume and average transaction amount are defined.
References: BusinessInfo.estimationPeriodType
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Est. Transaction Volume
The estimated volume of transactions expected to be processed during the indicated estimation period.
References: BusinessInfo.estimatedTransactionVolume
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Est. Transaction Amount
The estimated average amount of transactions expected to be processed during the indicated estimation period.
References: BusinessInfo.estimatedAvgTransactionAmount
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Contract Begin Date
References: BusinessInfo.contractBeginDate
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Contract End Date
References: BusinessInfo.contractEndDate
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Relationship Begin Date
Date when the business relationship with this company was officially established.
References: BusinessInfo.relationshipBeginDate
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The code of currency which the company processes transactions in.
References: BusinessInfo.currencyCode
Legal Address |
Includes information about merchant's legal address.
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Copy from
Allows to copy the information from a specific location. |
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Allows to copy information for the Merchant from the "contact info". |
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Allows to copy information from the "merchant business owner". |
Street1 of a company's mailing address.
References: BusinessInfo.street1
Street2 of a company's mailing address.
References: BusinessInfo.street2
City name of a company's mailing address.
Allows to select an appropriate country associated with the company mailing address.
Country code of a company's mailing address.
References: BusinessInfo.countryCode
Allows to select an appropriate state associated with the company mailing address.
State of a company's mailing address.
References: BusinessInfo.state
ZIP Code
ZIP code of a company's mailing address.
References: BusinessInfo.zipCode
Email address of a company.
Web Site
URL of the corporate website of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.webSite
Work Hours
Working hours of the company.
References: BusinessInfo.workHours
Background Verification Result for Business |
Includes information about results based on background verification that was conducted for the business.
Overall Score |
Includes the results of background verification of the company. These results can be used for evaluation of the risk of dealing with this merchant.
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Overall background verification score (10X, where X is an integer value from 0 to 5, and 50 is the highest score with the lowest risk involved).
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.score
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Description of the overall background verification score.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.scoreDescription
Name-Address-SSN Association |
Includes information whether name, address and social security number of the business owner were proved to correspond.
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The value indicating whether the social security number matches the address that has been indicated for this person.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressSsnAssociationCode
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The value indicating whether the social security number matches the address that has been indicated for this person.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressSsnAssociationDescription
Name-Address-Tax ID Association |
Includes information whether name, address and tax ID of the particular business were proved to correspond.
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A value indicating whether the tax ID matches the address that has been indicated for this company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressTaxIdAssociationCode
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A value indicating whether the tax ID matches the address that has been indicated for this company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressTaxIdAssociationDescription
Name-Address-Phone Association |
Includes information whether name, address and phone number of the particular business were proved to correspond.
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A value indicating whether the phone number matches the address that has been indicated for this company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressPhoneAssociationCode
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A value indicating whether the phone number matches the address that has been indicated for this company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.nameAddressPhoneAssociationDescription
Data Verification |
Includes information whether it was possible to verify the data supplied by the Merchant.
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Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified name really belongs to the person under consideration.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isNameVerified
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Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified phone number is really the phone number of the person or company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isPhoneVerified
¦_ |
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified social security number is the real social security number of the person.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isSsnVerified
¦_ |
Tax ID
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified tax ID is the real tax ID of the company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isTaxIdVerified
¦_ |
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified date of birth is really the date of birth of the person.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isDobVerified
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Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified street name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isStreetVerified
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Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified city name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isCityVerified
¦_ |
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified state name is really where the person resides (or where the company is located).
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isStateVerified
¦_ |
ZIP Code
Indicates whether it has been possible to verify that the specified ZIP/postal code is the real actual ZIP/postal code of the place where the person resides (or the company is located).
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.isZipVerified
¦_ |
Last Update
The date when profile was updated the last time.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.lastUpdateDate
Business-Owner Association |
Includes information whether the relationship between principal owner and the company was verified.
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The score characterizing the relationship\association between the principal owner and the company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.associationScore
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Description of the score characterizing the relationship\association between the principal owner and the company.
References: BackgroundVerificationResult.associationScoreDescription
Background Check Decision Notes |
Includes comments related to decision on company's background verification and underwriting.
Risk Indicators |
Includes information abour possible risk indicators associated with the person or company verified. Risk indicators may include presence of the person or business on Federal Blacklist, etc.
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The code of the risk indicator.
References: RiskIndicator.code
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Risk indicator description.
References: RiskIndicator.description
Bankruptcy |
Includes information about company's bankruptcy history(if any).
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Bankruptcy type.
References: Bankruptcy.type
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Bankruptcy count for a company.
References: Bankruptcy.count
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Company Name
Name of bankrupt company.
References: Bankruptcy.companyName
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Street1 of the bankrupt company's mailing address.
References: Bankruptcy.street1
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Street2 of the bankrupt company's mailing address.
References: Bankruptcy.street2
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City of the bankrupt company's mailing address.
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State code of the bankrupt company's mailing address.
References: Bankruptcy.state
¦_ |
ZIP Code
ZIP/postal code of the bankrupt company's mailing address.
References: Bankruptcy.zipCode
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Filing date
The date when the bankruptcy was filed.
References: Bankruptcy.filingDate
Lien |
Includes information about company's lien history (if any).
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Type of the lien.
Lien type.
References: Lien.type
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Released Count
The count of property items released to the owner for this lien.
The count of property items released to the owner for this lien.
References: Lien.releasedCount
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Unreleased Count
The count of unreleased property items for this lien.
The count of unreleased property items for this lien.
References: Lien.unreleasedCount
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Company Name
Name of the company with a lien.
Name of the company with a lien.
References: Lien.companyName
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Street (line 1) associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.
Street1 in the mailing address of the company with a lien.
References: Lien.street1
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Street (line 2) associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.
Street2 in the mailing address of the company with a lien.
References: Lien.street2
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City associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.
City in the mailing address of the company with a lien.
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State associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.
State code in the mailing address of the company with a lien.
References: Lien.state
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ZIP Code
Zip code associated with the mailing address of the company with a lien.
Zip code in the mailing address of the company with a lien.
References: Lien.zipCode
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Filing date
The date when the lien was filed.
References: Lien.filingDate