Reseller Details

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to the reseller modification options.

Saves all changes on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes additional information about the selected reseller.
Reference to the entity that represents the portfolio of the user defined for this reseller.
References: Reseller.Portfolio FK
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
Create Date
Date when the record was created.
References: Reseller.createDate
Optional identifier of the Reseller that can be used to cross-reference the Reseller record between multiple systems.

See Reference Code definition for additional information.
References: Reseller.code
Indicates whether the record is active in the system.
References: Reseller.isActive
Name of the reseller (company or person).
Reference to the channel associated with this reseller.
The merchant defined for this reseller.


Includes various batch settings.
Batch Processing Policy

Represents the selected (or current) type of batch processing policy.
Allows to select policy for batch processing if a validation file was generated by the system.
  • All Or Fail - if there is at least one invalid transaction in the request file, validation error file is generated and the request file is not processed at all.
  • Any Valid - all valid transactions included in a request file are processed by a processor. Invalid transactions are placed into the validation error file and should be re-processed as a separate file after correcting all of the issues.

References: Merchant.Batch Processing Policy CL
Multiple return files per day
Indicates that processing of multiple return files during the business day is enabled.
FTP Folder
FTP folder used for batch processing. Review folder structure for more detail.
Create Folder
Allows to create a folder on FTP server used to store return files.


Includes information about the onboarding profile that the reseller is assigned to.
Identifier of the processor used for onboarding of the merchants associated with a particular reseller. Assigned to the reseller.
Code of the onboarding profile assigned within the system.
References: Onboarding Application.Profile ID

Email Notifications

Includes the list of emails for notifications.
List of email addresses of people that will receive a pdf copy of remittance statement once it is generated.
References: Reseller.remittanceEmailRecipientList
The list of terminals managers emails for notifications.
References: Reseller.terminalManagersList

Minimum Fee

Includes information about minimum fees that are going to be collected from the merchants associated with the reseller.
Basis used for minimum fee calculation.
Indicates that the basis for a minimum fee is calculated as the amount of profit a payment facilitator gets from each particular merchant (on an individual basis). Applied when a reseller’s portfolio includes merchants of roughly the same size.
Indicates that the basis for a minimum fee is calculated as the amount of profit a payment facilitator gets as a simple average across the reseller’s portfolio. Applied when a reseller’s portfolio includes merchant of different sizes.
Allows to select to what type of fees minimum fees are applied.
Indicates that minimum fees are applied to the processing fees.
Indicates that minimum fees are applied to the flat fees.
Indicates that minimum fees are applied to the recurring fees.
Min. Amount
Amount of fees set as a minimum that is going to be collected from the merchants associated with the reseller.

Distribution Information

Includes various distribution information about the reseller.
Funds Distribution Type
Represents the selected type of funds distribution.
References: Reseller.Funds Distribution CL
Daily funds distribution.
Monthly funds distribution.


Includes information about terminals associated with the selected reseller.
Support Phone
Phone number used for discussing any terminal processing issues.
References: Reseller.Terminal Support Number

Contact Information

Includes contact information of the reseller to be used to discuss any processing issues.
Contact Name
Name of the primary business contact for the reseller.
References: Reseller.Contact Name
Street (line 1)
Street1 of the reseller's mailing address.
References: Reseller.Street1
Street (line 2)
Street2 of the reseller's mailing address.
References: Reseller.Street2
City of the reseller's mailing address.
References: Reseller.City
Country code of the reseller's mailing address.
References: Reseller.Country Code
State of the reseller's mailing address.
References: Reseller.State
ZIP Code
ZIP (or postal) code of the reseller's mailing address.
References: Reseller.ZIP Code
Phone number associated with this reseller account.
References: Reseller.Phone
Fax number associated with this reseller account.
References: Reseller.Fax
Email address associated with this reseller account.
References: Reseller.Email

Deposit Information

Includes various deposit information about the reseller.
Holder Name
Holder name associated with this reseller account.
Account Number
Account number associated with this reseller account.
View Token
Allows to view if token number associated with the reseller account number exists.
Routing Number
Routing number associated with this reseller account.

Business Information

Includes information concerning reseller's business activity, e.g. legal name, types of tax ID, ownership structure etc.
Legal Name
The legal name of the company.
References: Business Info.Legal Name
Web Site
URL of the corporate website of the company.
References: Business Info.WEB Site
Federal Tax ID
Federal Tax identifier of the company.
References: Business Info.Federal Tax ID
State Tax ID
State Tax identifier of the company.
References: Business Info.State Tax ID
Sales Tax ID
Sale Tax identifier of the company.
References: Business Info.Sale Tax ID
Ownership Structure
Enumeration of possible ownership types of the company.
References: Business Info.Ownership Structure CL
Estimation Period
Enumeration of possible time periods for which transaction volume and average transaction amount are defined.
References: Business Info.Estimation Period CL
Annual estimation period for transaction volume and average transaction amount.
Daily estimation period for transaction volume and average transaction amount.
Monthly estimation period for transaction volume and average transaction amount.
Weekly estimation period for transaction volume and average transaction amount.
Est. Transaction Volume
The estimated volume of transactions expected to be processed during the indicated estimation period.
References: Business Info.Estimated Transaction Volume
Est. Transaction Amount
The estimated average amount of transactions expected to be processed during the indicated estimation period.
References: Business Info.Estimated AVG Transaction Amount
Relationship Begin Date
Date when the business relationship with this company was officially established.
References: Business Info.Relationship Begin Date
The code of currency which the company processes transactions in.
References: Business Info.Currency Code


Includes additional notes related to the reseller within the system.

Data Export

Includes configuration settings of reports export.
Deposit List
Allows to select options for reseller deposits list export.
Indicates that the deposit list will be exported only.
No Export
Indicates that the deposit list won't be exported.
Export and Notify
Indicates that the deposit list will be exported and the email notification will be sent to the client.
Merchant Statement Export
Allows to select options for merchant statement export.
Indicates that the merchant statement report will be exported only.
No Export
Indicates that the merchant statement report won't be exported.
Export and Notify
Indicates that the merchant statement report will be exported and the email notification will be sent to the client.