View Subscription Transaction

Type:    Form
Description: Provides additional information about the selected subscription transaction.

View Provider Transaction

Includes information about the selected transaction.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes general information about the transaction.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Subscription Transaction.Id
Request Date
Date when the transaction request was submitted.
Account ID/Code/Name
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Subscription Transaction.Merchant Account Code


Includes information about the address associated with the selected transaction.
Street of the mailing address associated with this customer account.
References: Subscription Transaction.Street
City of the mailing address associated with this customer account.
References: Subscription Transaction.City
State of the mailing address associated with this customer account.
References: Subscription Transaction.State
Phone number associated with this customer account.
References: Subscription Transaction.Phone
Email address associated with this customer account.
References: Subscription Transaction.Email
ZIP Code
ZIP or postal code of the mailing address associated with this customer account.
References: Subscription Transaction.ZIP Code

Account Info

Includes information about customer's bank account.
Account Type
Represents the type of the bank account associated with the transaction.
References: Subscription Transaction.Account CL
Token value replacing bank account number.
References: Subscription Transaction.Token
Bank Account #
Number of the customer's bank account.
References: Subscription Transaction.Account Number
Routing #
Expiration date or routing number of the transaction.
References: Subscription Transaction.Account Accessory
Holder Name
Name of the account holder.
Holder Birthdate
Birthdate of the account holder.


Includes detailed information about the transaction.
Transaction Code
Value identifying the transaction in a submitter’s system.
References: Subscription Transaction.Transaction Code
Customer Code
Value identifying the customer in a submitter’s system.
References: Subscription Transaction.Customer Account Code
Represents current status of the subscriptions/mandate processing.
References: Subscription Transaction.Status CL

Gateway Response

Includes information about the gateway-generated response.
Date of the response generated by the gateway.
References: Subscription Transaction.Response Date
Approval Code
Approval code generated by the gateway.
Response code generated by the gateway.
References: Subscription Transaction.Response Code
Response message generated by the gateway.
References: Subscription Transaction.Response Message

Processor Response

Includes information about the processor-generated response.
Processor that generated the response.
Response code generated by a processor.
References: Subscription Transaction.Provider Response Code
Response message generated by a processor.
References: Subscription Transaction.Provider Response Message
Provider Reference #
Returns reference number of underlying processor.
References: Subscription Transaction.Provider Reference Number


Includes batch information associated with a transaction.
Batch Code
Code of the batch.
Sub Batch Code
Code of the sub-batch.