File Store

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to files (documents) store.

File Store Search

Includes various file store search parameters.
Max Results
Allows to select the limit of available records shown on the form. Available limits: 200, 1000, 2000, 3000.
Executes search based on predefined criteria.
Clears any selected criteria - resets the form to its original state.
Search criteria to locate files by an associated portfolio/merchant ID.
Search criteria to locate files by an associated account ID.
Search criteria to locate files by an associated processor.
File Store Code
Search criteria to locate files by particular code.
Sub-Batch Code
Search criteria to locate files by sub-batch code.
Search criteria to locate files by the status of processing.
Pending Translation
Indicates that transactional data is being converted from the gateway format to the processor's format.
Pending Tokenization
Indicates that batch file is waiting for tokenization.
Pending Detokenization
Indicates that batch file is waiting for detokenization.
Pending Detranslation
Indicates that response file is processed by a processor and is being converted from a processor specific message format to the gateway format.
Pending Account Update
Indicates that file is being on account update.
Pending Aggregation
Indicates that file is waiting to be aggregated with another file within the system.
Pending Upload
Indicates that request file awaits uploading to the processor.
Pending Download
Indicates that response file awaits downloading from the processor.
Pending Deaggregation
Indicates that response file is waiting to be de-aggregated within the system.
Indicates that file is successfully processed.
Search criteria to locate files by the type.
Indicates a return file (usually declined ACH transactions), submitted from processor to UniPay. No request file is generated, before a return file is sent.
Request Response
Indicates a standard pair of a request file with response, submitted to this request.
Indicates a file, that is submitted to processor's system to check processing status of a previously uploaded request file.


Includes additional details on request file.
File Name
Search criteria to locate file with a specific name by entering either full or partial name.
From Date
Search criteria to locate file within the certain date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
To Date
Search criteria to locate file within the certain date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.


Includes additional details on response file.
File Name
Search criteria to locate file with a specific name by entering either full or partial name.
From Date
Search criteria to locate file within the certain date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.
To Date
Search criteria to locate file within the certain date range.
Either beginning or end date is necessary.

File Store List

Includes the list of files found based on the search criteria specified.
Includes various information about the file, such as:
  • File ID - an identifier of the file generated by the gateway,
  • Account ID - an identifier of the associated account,
  • Processor name - a name of the processor that the file is submitted to,
  • Aggregation code,
  • File type - a type of the file (for example, request, response, etc)
  • Operation type - a type of the operation.
Request File Name
The name of the request file.
References: File Store.Request File Name
Request Date
The date when the file was requested.
References: File Store.Request Date
Aggregation Date
The date when the file was aggregated. References: File Store.Aggregation Date
Response File Name
The name of the response file.
References: File Store.Response File Name
Response Date
The date when the response file was created.
References: File Store.Response Date
Status of the file processing.
References: File Store.Status
Total amount paid for the item (including tax and discount).
References: File Store.Total Amount
View File
Allows to see detailed information about the selected file. Opens Form: View File Store
Allows to perform several actions with the selected file.
Rerun Processing Service
Allows to rerun processing service for the selected file.
Reupload File
Allows to reupload the file.
Regenerate and reupload file
Allows to regenerate and reupload the file.
Download Request File
Allows to download associated request file.
Download Response File
Allows to download associated response file.
Allows to see totals of the selected file.

View File Store

Includes the detailed information about the selected file.
Allows to see totals of the selected file.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes additional details on the request file.
File Name
The name of the request file.
References: File Store.Request File Name
The date when the file was requested.
References: File Store.Request Date


Includes additional details on the response file.
File Name
The name of the response file.
References: File Store.Response File Name
The date when the response file was created.
References: File Store.Response Date


Includes additional details on the selected file.
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: File Store.Merchant Account Code
Provider Code
Code of the provider that is processing the file.
References: File Store.Provider Code
Represents the type of an operation.
References: File Store.Operation CL
Status of the file processing.
References: File Store.Status
Total Records
Total number of transaction records in the file.
References: File Store.Total Count
Total Amount
Total amount paid for the item (including tax and discount).
References: File Store.Total Amount
Awaits Response
Indicates whether the file is waiting for the response.
References: File Store.Is Wait Response
Next Attempt Date
The date when the next attempt of processing the file is allowed.
References: File Store.Next Attempt Date

Aggregated Info

Includes aggregation information about the selected file.
Request File Name
The name of the request file.
References: File Store.Request File Name
Response File Name
The name of the response file.
References: File Store.Response File Name
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: File Store.Id