
Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to the onboarding applications of merchants that are associated with the selected portfolio.

Search Applications

Includes various search criteria to locate a particular onboarding application.
Executes search based on predefined criteria.
View Application
Allows reviewing the list of onboarding requests, which were sent to the provider. Opens Form: Onboarding Transaction List
Clears any selected criteria - resets the form to its original state.
Business Name
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by a particular business name.
Tax ID
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by a particular federal tax ID.
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by a particular social security number.
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by an associated reseller.
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by a particular status.
Indicates that an onboarding application has been approved by a processor.
Indicates that an onboarding application has been declined by a processor.
Indicates that onboarding request has not been processed yet.
In Review
Indicates that onboarding request is in review now.
Indicates that onboarding request is rejected after the review.
Create Date
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by creation date. By default, the create date period is set as two weeks.
Search criteria to locate onboarding applications by title.


Includes the list of onboarding applications found based on the search criteria specified.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Onboarding Application.Id
Creation Date
Date when the record was created
References: Onboarding Application.Create Date
Business Name
The DBA ("doing business as") name.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Business Name
Tax ID
Identifier of the assigned federal tax.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Tax ID
Name of the reseller (company or person).
References: Reseller.Name
Merchant Account
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Onboarding Application.Merchant Account Code
View Merchant
Allows to review details of a merchant or merchant account associated with the selected onboarding application. Opens Form: General
Current status of the application.

The values can be the following:
Pending - Indicates that an application is waiting for review. In Review - Indicates that an application currently in review. Approved - Indicates that an application is approved after review. Rejected - Indicates that previously approved application is rejected. Declined - Indicates that an application is declined after review.
Allows to change application status.
Reject Application
Rejects the application after underwriting through an external service was performed and the results are not acceptable. This action is available for applications in Approved status only.
View Application
Allows to review the selected onboarding application. Opens Form: Onboarding Application Wizard (Merchant)