Customer Auditing

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to customer auditing options.


Includes various customer accounts search criteria.
Executes search based on predefined criteria.
Allows to export all found data from the system.
Search criteria to locate customers by the ID of an associated merchant.
Transaction Age
Search criteria to locate customers by the age of associated transactions.
Select Age
Allows to select an appropriate transaction age range.
Indicates transactions executed in the last 31 days.
Indicates transactions executed 31-61 days ago.
Indicates transactions executed 61-91 days ago.
Indicates transactions executed 91-121 days ago.
Indicates transactions executed 121 or more days ago.
Last Decline
Search criteria to locate customers by the last transaction that got declined.
Bankruptcy Filed
Search criteria to locate customers with a filed bankruptcy petition.
Chargeback Requested
Search criteria to locate customers with a requested chargeback.
Payment Plan Expiration
Search criteria to locate customers by the payment plan expiration date.
Account Age
Search criteria to locate customers by the age of a customer account.
Select Age
Allows to select an appropriate customer account age range.
Indicates customer accounts created in the last 31 days.
Indicates customer accounts created 31-61 days ago.
Indicates customer accounts created 61-91 days ago.
Indicates customer accounts created 91-121 days ago.
Indicates customer accounts created 121 or more days ago.
Cancellation Dispute
Search criteria to locate customers with an opened cancellation dispute.
Inactive Payment Option
Search criteria to locate customers with an inactive payment option (credit card or direct debit).
Credit Card Expiration
Search criteria to locate customers with a credit card that is going to be expired.
Number of months when credit card is going to be expired.
Action Status
Search criteria to locate customers by the status in collections.
Legal Dispute
Search criteria to locate customers with an opened legal dispute.
Statement Payment Option
Search criteria to locate customers with a statement payment option.
Deferred Length
Search criteria to locate customers by a number of billing cycles missed till the beginning of a billing.
Need to be Reinstated
Search criteria to locate customers that need to be reinstated.

Customer Account List

Includes the list of customer accounts found based on the search criteria specified.
Code of Merchant Account to which instance of this object is attributed to. Depending on the context, Merchant Account Code field may contain either Merchant Code or Merchant Account Code.
The field is primarily used for data partitioning and data management, to make it easy to determine the ownership of a record within the database.
References: Customer.Merchant Account Code
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Customer.Id
First name of the customer. This field is set for both person and organization types of customers. For organizations, this field is used for the first name of the company's contact person.
References: Customer.First Name
Don't Call
Indicates whether incoming calls are disallowed.
References: Customer.Is Calling Disallowed
Collections agent that is responsible for the customer account.
Assign Agent
Allows to assign an agent for the selected customer account.
Last Update
Date when the customer's profile was last updated.
References: Customer.Last Update Date
Response Message
Response message that corresponds to the response code for this transaction.

Response message includes Provider's response message as well as standard system message associated with this specific response code.
References: Transaction.Response Message
Action Status
Reference to the entity that represents possible statuses of the customer account.
References: Customer Account.Status
View Customer
Allows to review the selected customer account. Opens Form: View Customer
New Note
Allows to add a new note for the selected customer account. Opens Form: Modify Note
New Action
Allows to add a new action for the selected customer account. Opens Form: Modify Action
Collections agent that can be assigned to all customer accounts in the list.
Assign Agent
Allows to assign the selected agent to all customer accounts in the list.