
Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to various system information and options.

Status Information

Includes the list of system parameters.
CLoses the form without saving any changes.


Includes various additional data.
Practice Data
When self-deployment training is performed, the field contains sequential numbers of hotfix/patch/update. See Self-Deployment Instruction for more information.
Permanent Refresh
Indicates that system information would be refreshed permanently.
Allow health checker
Indicates whether the health checker is allowed.
Allows to refresh the information.
Reset Perspective State Cache
Allows to reset the perspective state cache.
Reset Merchant and User Cache
Allows to reset merchant and user cache.
Reset Permission Cache
Allows to reset permission cache.
Reset Response Codes Cache
Allows to reset response codes cache.
Reset SQL Increment Generator
Allows to reset SQL increment generator.
Run the Garbage Collector
Allows to run the garbage collector.
Reload Connection Limits Properties
Allows to reload the collections limit properties.
Set to [false] Last Date Update
Allows to set the last date update to [false].
File Path Validation
Allows to validate the files path.