Onboarding Application Wizard (Merchant)

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to onboarding wizard that allows onboarding of a merchant.












Onboarding Wizard

Includes settings that allow merchant creation with the help of onboarding wizard.
Saves all information on the form.
Closes the form without saving any changes.
Returns to the previous step.
Proceeds to the next step.
Skips the current step.

Select Portfolio

Includes the list of available portfolios and associated onboarding profiles.


Includes the list of available portfolios. After a portfolio is selected, the list of the processors available for this portfolio will be shown.

Onboarding Profile

Includes the list of available onboarding profiles associated with the selected portfolio.


Provides access to general merchant settings.


Includes general settings that identify the merchant within the system.
Tax ID
Federal tax identifier of the company.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Business Info Federal Tax ID
Allows to verify the specified tax ID.
Reference to the entity that represents the portfolio attached to the merchant.
References: Merchant.Portfolio FK
Identification number of the merchant within the system.
Get Next Available Merchant ID
Allows to generate merchant ID automatically.
Indicates whether the record is active and can process through the system.
References: Merchant.Is Active
Unique identifier of the merchant generated by the gateway.
References: Merchant.Code
The DBA name of the merchant.
References: Merchant.Name
Time Zone
Time zone of a merchant.
References: Merchant.Time Zone Code


Includes settings of the merchant account that will be created along with the merchant.
The DBA name of the merchant
References: Merchant Account.Name
Unique identifier of the merchant account generated by the system, divisible by 1000.
References: Merchant Account.Code


Includes general processing settings of the merchant.
Set of parameters that are used to govern the setup of the merchant with the respect to its merchant account, merchant IDs, descriptors and deposit accounts.
Defines whether it is a multi-location / multi-terminal or single-location / single-terminal merchant.
Indicates that everything is configured at the merchant level. Other parameters in the profile are ignored.
Indicates that multiple merchant accounts will be set up. The settings will be configured based on the remaining parameters on the profile.
Tax IDs
Defines whether a single federal tax ID will be used for all locations or each tax ID will be used specifically per each of the locations.
Indicates that the legal entity owning the tax ID is represented with a merchant.
Indicates that the legal entity owning the tax ID is represented with a merchant account.
Defines the desired number of soft descriptors to be used all across the accounts.
Indicates that a single merchant ID (MID) is required for processing.
Indicates that for the majority of the processors, multiple MIDs will be required for processing; one MID per descriptor.
Deposit Accounts
Defines the number of deposit accounts to use for remittance.
Indicates that all remittance settings are configured on the merchant level. All of the money is funded to a single deposit account regardless of the number of used merchant accounts.
Indicates that all remittance settings are configured on the merchant account level. The money processed to each merchant account is funded separately in a separate deposit account.
Recurring Fees
Defines how the recurring fees are charged.
Per Merchant
Indicates that recurring fees are only charged once regardless of the number of accounts under a merchant.
Per Account
Indicates that recurring fees are charged per each account set up under a merchant.
Reference to the entity that represents the reseller associated with the merchant.
References: Merchant.Reseller FK
Provides a place to store short generic notes about the merchant.
References: Merchant.Notes


Includes merchant creation settings.
Merchant Creation Policy
Reference to the entity that represents enumeration of merchant creation policy values.
References: Onboarding Application.Merchant Creation Policy CL
On Approval Only
Indicates that a merchant is created when an onboarding application is approved by a processor.
On Approval And Review
Indicates that a merchant is created when an onboarding application either in review or approved by a processor.


Provides access to various business information about the merchant.

Business Information

Includes business information about the merchant.

Business Name

Includes information about the business name.
Legal name of the business company.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Legal Name
The DBA ("doing business as") name.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Business Name
Ownership Type
Represents the type of ownership structure.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Onboarding Ownership Structure
Relationship Begin Date
Date when business relationship began.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Relationship Begin Date
Tax ID
Identifier of the assigned federal tax.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Tax ID
Code of the associated category of the merchant.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Merchant Category Code

Business Registration

Includes information about business registration information.
State of the business entity registration.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Registration State
Code of the country where registration of the business entity was arranged.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Registration Country Code
Year when business entity was registered.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Registration Year

Legal Address

Includes information about business legal address of the merchant.
Copy Data From
Allows to copy information from the selected source.
Owner Address
Allows to copy information from the primary owner address.
Street (line 1)
Street (line 1) of the business company mailing address.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Street 1
Street (line 2)
Street (line 2) of the business company mailing address.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Street 2
City of the mailing address.
References: Onboarding Business Info.City
State code of the business company mailing address.
References: Onboarding Business Info.State
Zip Code
ZIP (or postal) code of the business company mailing address.
References: Onboarding Business Info.ZIP Code
Email address asigned to the record.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Email
Contact phone of the business company for discussing any processing issues.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Contact Phone
Work Hours
Work hours of the business entity.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Work Hours
Web Site
Web site URL of the business company.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Web Site


Includes information about business owners.
Add Owner
Allows adding the number of owners one-by-one, but not more than 4.
Controlling Officer is
Allows selecting a controlling officer of a business. These radio buttons are available for certain ownership types for which an officer is required to be present.
Not an Owner
Indicates that the controlling officer is not an owner.


Includes information about the owner.
First Name*
Business owner's first name.
References: Business Owner.First Name
Last Name*
Business owner's last name.
References: Business Owner.Last Name
Business owner's e-mail.
References: Business Owner.Email
Business owner's phone number.
References: Business Owner.Phone
Business owner's social security number.
References: Business Owner.Social Security
Business owner's title. References: Business Contact.Title
Birth Date
Business owner's birth date.
References: Business Owner.Birth Date
Stake %
Business owner's stake percentage. References: Business Owner.Stake Percentage

Address Information

Address of the owner.
Street 1
Street (line 1) associated with business owner's address.
References: Business Owner.Street1
Street 2
Street (line 2) associated with business owner's address.
References: Business Owner.Street2
City associated with business owner's address.
References: Business Owner.City
State associated with business owner's address.
References: Business Owner.State
Postal Code*/Zip Code*
ZIP/postal code associated with business owner's address.
References: Business Owner.ZIP Code

Government Issued ID

Includes information about owner's driver license.
Driver License
The number of owner's driver license.
Province Issued /State Issued
State where business owner's driver license was issued.
References: Business Owner.Driver License State


Provides access to merchant's estimates.

Estimates (Transaction Amount)

Includes settings related to estimated transactions' count and volume.
Estimation Period
Enumeration of possible time periods for which transaction volume and average transaction amount are defined.
References: Business Info.Estimation Period CL
Total Volume
Estimated number of the payment card transactions within a year.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Annual Cards Volume
Avg Ticket
Estimated average amount of the payment card transactions within a year.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Avg Cards Transaction Amount
Max Ticket
Maximum allowed amount of transactions.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Max Transaction Amount


Provides access to additional merchant settings.

Profile List

Includes the list of available profiles.
Onboarding configuration that includes one or more processor profiles.


Includes descriptors of the merchant.
Card Descriptor
Descriptor assigned to payment card transactions associated with the merchant. Shows up on cardholder statements.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Card Descriptor
Direct Debit Descriptor
Direct debit descriptors of the merchant.
Descriptor assigned to direct debit transactions associated with the merchant. Shows up on account holder statements.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Direct Debit Descriptor
Name of the merchant's company. Shown on account holder statements.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Direct Debit Descriptor Merchant Name
Customer Service Phone
Customer service phone. Shown on payment card or account holder statements.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Descriptor Phone


Includes processing settings of the merchant.


Includes remittance settings of the merchant.

Deposit Information

Includes deposit settings of the merchant.
Bank Name
Name of the deposit account assigned by the bank.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Deposit Bank Name
Holder Name
Name of the deposit account holder.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Deposit Holder Name
Account #
Number of the deposit account assigned by the bank.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Deposit Account Number
Show account number
Shows number of the deposit account assigned by the bank.
Routing #
Routing number of the bank deposit account.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Deposit Routing Number
Value issued by the internal tokenization system that replaces actual bank account and routing number. Using this value system can obtain the real bank account number and routing number and use them for further processing.

Merchant Fees

Includes fee settings of the merchant.
Pricing Policy
Code of the fee template assigned to this record.
References: Onboarding Business Info.Fee Template Code


Provides access to merchant's verification process.

Process List

Includes detailed information about merchant's verification process.
Stage of the merchant onboarding process.
Date and time of the stage completion.
Status of the stage completion.
Indicates that a merchant onboarding is done and an FTP folder is created.
Indicates that a merchant onboarding is done but an FTP folder creation failed.
Indicates that an account onboarding is done without an FTP folder created.
Send Provisioning Request
Allows to restart the selected stage of onboarding process.

Provisioning Requests List

Includes the list of provisioning requests sent to the processor.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Id
Request Date
Date of the request.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Request Date
Type of the request associated with the transaction.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Request Type
Response Date
Date of the transaction response.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Response Date
Represents current transaction status.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Status Cl
Show Processor Identities
Allows to review processor identities associated with the onboarded merchant.
Show Request Details
Allows to review processor response details.

Provisioning Info

Includes the provisioning information of the merchant.
Request ID
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Id
Request Date
Date of the request.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Request Date
Response Date
Date of the transaction response.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Response Date
Represents current transaction status.
References: Provisioning Transaction.Status Cl

Current Identities

Includes processor identities associated with the merchant.


Includes associated agreement details assigned to the merchant.
Client Host
IP address associated with API call sent by the merchant.
References: Onboarding Application.Client Host
Agreement Version
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Onboarding Agreement.Id
View Agreement
Allows to view detailed information about the agreement. Opens Form: Agreement Modify


Includes descriptors associated with a processor.
Card Descriptor
Descriptor used for card processing of a merchant.
Direct Debit Descriptor
Descriptor used for direct debit processing of a merchant.