Merchant Statement Modify

Type:    Form
Description: Provides access to merchant statement modification options.

Allows to select one of reconciliation actions for the selected statement.
Reconcile Automatically
Allows to reconcile the selected statement automatically.
Reconcile Manually
Allows to reconcile the selected statement manually.
Allows to export the selected merchant statement from the system.
Closes the form without saving any changes.


Includes general information about the merchant statement.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Statement.Id
Create Date
Date when the record was created.
References: Statement.Create Date
Start Date
Start date of the time period covered in the statement.
References: Statement.Start Date
End Date
End date of the time period covered by the statement.
References: Statement.End Date
Approval Date
Date when the statement has been approved. References: Statement.Approval Date
Represents current status of the statement.
References: Statement.Status CL
Reconciliation State
Represents the type of current reconciliation state.
References: Statement.Reconciliation State CL
Reconciled by
Reconciliator code.
References: Statement.Reconciliator Code
Any additional information about the statement.
References: Statement.Note


Includes remittance information about the merchant statement.
Includes ACH remittance information.
Amount of money for this statement that has to be remitted out of the given remittance source (in this case, ACH).
References: Statement.ACH Remittance Amount
Transaction Code
Reference number of the remittance transaction generated based on respective remittance amount and source (in this case - ACH).
References: Statement.ACH Transaction Code
Bank Card
Includes bank card/credit card remittance information.
Amount of money for this statement that has to be remitted out of the given remittance source (in this case, bank cards).
References: Statement.Bank Card Remittance Amount
Transaction Code
Reference number of the remittance transaction generated based on respective remittance amount and source (in this case - bank cards).
References: Statement.Bank Card Transaction Code
Includes Amex remittance information.
Amount of money for this statement that has to be remitted out of the given remittance source (in this case, American Express).
References: Statement.Amex Remittance Amount
Transaction Code
Reference number of the remittance transaction generated based on respective remittance amount and source (in this case - American Express).
References: Statement.Amex Transaction Code
Includes information about a user associated with remittance process.
The user name of a person who approved the statement.
References: Statement.Approver Code
The user name of a person who remits the money under manual (non-automated) remittance.
References: Statement.Remitter Code

Statement Detail

Includes detailed information about the merchant statement.
Show ID
Indicates whether the ID column is showing within the table.
Identifier of the object used for references; auto-incremented integer value.
References: Merchant Statement Detail.Id
Reference to the entity that represents statement details group.
References: Merchant Statement Detail.Statement Detail Group FK
Short description of the merchant statement.
References: Merchant Statement Detail.Description
General transaction information, which does not take part in remittance process.
References: Merchant Statement Detail.Caption
The amount element defines the amount of the transaction. Supply the value in cents without a decimal point.
References: Merchant Statement Detail.Amount
Adjust Detail
Allows to adjust remittance details for the selected remittance source (ACH, Bank Card or Amex). Opens Form: Merchant Statement Detail Modify
Edit Detail
Allows to see detailed information on the selected merchant statement. Opens Form: Merchant Statement Detail Modify
Transaction Breakdown
Allows to review or export the selected transaction. Opens Form: Transaction List
Transaction Group Breakdown
Allows to review or export all of the transactions related to the selected submission. Opens Form: Transaction List
Allows to add adjustment fot the selected remittance source. Opens Form: Merchant Statement Detail Modify


Includes summary for the selected merchant statement.
Previous Balance
Previous statement balance of the selected merchant account.
References: Statement.Prev Statement Balance
Current Balance
Actual balance on the merchant account for which the statement is generated.
References: Statement.Balance
Reserve Adjustments
Net amount of reserve-related adjustments, associated with the statement.
References: Statement.Reserve Adjustments Amount
Balance Adjustments
Amount of the balance adjustment.
References: Statement.Balance Adjustments Amount
Amount of the write-offs transactions.
References: Statement.Writeoffs Amount
Amount of distributions.
Amount of the hold transaction.
References: Statement.Hold Amount
Net Due To Client
Amount of net due to client.
Remittance (Withdrawal)
Actual amount that was remitted to the merchant.
References: Statement.Remitted Amount
Remaining Balance
Remaining balance of the selected merchant account.


Includes totals for the selected merchant statement.
Net Amount
Shows total net amount for the selected merchant statement.
Shows total adjustments amount for the selected merchant statement.
Processing Fees
Shows total processing fees amount for the selected merchant statement.
Recurring Fees
Shows total recurring fees amount for the selected merchant statement.
Shows amount of funds distributions included in the selected merchant statement.

Review Reason

Includes reasons to review the selected merchant statement.
General Review
Indicates that given merchant statement is under general review.
Reconciliation Issue
Indicates that given merchant statement is reviewed because of reconciliation issue.
Reserve Adjustment Limit Exceeded
Indicates that given merchant statement is reviewed because reserve adjustment has exceeded the limit.
Statement Amount Limit Exceeded
Indicates that given merchant statement is reviewed because statement amount has exceeded the limit.